Today's Smoke 2016

Oliva Serie G tubos... no idea on the age, but a nice flavorful but mild-ish smoke to get back into it after weeks of being sick. Beautiful sunny day on the deck while a flight of 3 AT-6 Texans practiced formation flying for the upcoming airshow, and a Grumman Widgeon flying off to the side, probably taking photos.
Oliva Serie G tubos... no idea on the age, but a nice flavorful but mild-ish smoke to get back into it after weeks of being sick. Beautiful sunny day on the deck while a flight of 3 AT-6 Texans practiced formation flying for the upcoming airshow, and a Grumman Widgeon flying off to the side, probably taking photos.

Sounds awesome.
Cromagnon Aquitane Mode after lunch and San Lotano Oval Torp after that. The Mode had pretty interesting complexity but AJ knows how to knock your socks off. tmp_5501-IMG_20160717_112135390_HDR107669777.jpg tmp_5501-IMG_20160717_185716239746701057.jpg
I remember hearing about those. Well liked. Do they share a family profile, or diverge in some special way? Seems the Cubans are doing the heavier ring gauges with some grace.
They definitely fit the RA profile, with a bit more creaminess and finesse... Highly recommended...