To set the record straight.

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Aug 14, 2007
I need to set the record straight on something that is being said about me in another thread. I do not want to make that thread about any personal issues as it has a purpose to fulfill.

A member has inferred that I am unprofessional and unequipped to do my job. I am a teacher and have sacrificed a lot for students who need a lot. This member infers that I have made derogatory comments about my students in a PM that I sent to him, which was in fact a heart-felt apology. What I said to him was that my students were not wanting to work hard on a specific day, which made a bad day that much worse. Anyone who works with students knows exactly what I'm talking bout. To me, the inference is a personal attack and an outright lie. Those members that know me know that I love the job that I do and I do everything I can to help my students. I do not take kindly to someone lying about my ability or commitment to this job.

I know a lot of you don't know me from Adam and this doesn't matter to you, but I hope those of you that I am getting to know do not take this kind of slander as who I really am!
Jay, you've already been a tremendously positive influence on my son. You sir, are the teacher every educator should aspire to be.
Slander and lie?

Here is the PM you sent to me Saint Jay! Go play that card somewhere else.

Just where the hell do you get off calling me out Son! I wasn't hard on you when I answered you in the thread. You've got some nerve to expect anyone to jump and answer your questions by the way you come across. No introduction, just demanding your questions answered. You need to think before you type, and beating your chest here on CP won't find you well. Believe me, I didn't attack you first. And, I'm not going to let you slap me around. Your half ass appology didn't get it either.


You mind telling me where you found the 03s?

I just want to address one point. I did offer, and will again, my sincere apology. I had my wallet stolen yesterday and have been going through the process of getting everything taken care of. On top of that my students were absolute idiots and were too lazy to do the simplest work yesterday. I was impulsive and impatient in my first post and took your answer to have a derogatory tone. Whether it did or not is no matter, I should not have called you a jerk.

Anyway, do with that what you will.

BTW, what interested me the most was that I though SLR Lonsdales were discontinued in 02, so I didn't understand where you got the 03s from. I'll take that question to someone I know better, though.

Did you not call them idiots? Did you not try to blame them in part for your actions in reply on my thread. YES YOU DID! I certainly didn't make it up. I have no idea of your ability, but you certainly have raised question on your out of class proffessionalism at least. You might want to quit will your ahead.

But let's not leave everyone in the dark:
Click here for the whole story
Jay, as we both share the same name, yet no nothing of each other, let me share this with you if you would.

No one and I mean no one knows every thing about you, but you. With this, why let anything any one has to say, good bad or indifferent effect what you all ready know.

It is easy to tell who your friends are and weeds out those you do not need as friends in the first place.
Keep it in PM and leave the drama to television. Please!
Lately there's been a rash of people who've had problems in their lives and bringing it here to cp. That's bullshit. This is no place to vent your frustrations of the real word. Got problems? Keep 'em to yourself and stay away from your key board. This is no place to displace your anger and frustrations of the real world.

Keep it in PM and leave the drama to television. Please!

Sack... buddy... my good friend! I say those words with true feelings, not a smartaSS tone.

When you open a thread you don't like. Just close it.
Lately there's been a rash of people who've had problems in their lives and bringing it here to cp. That's bullshit. This is no place to vent your frustrations of the real word. Got problems? Keep 'em to yourself and stay away from your key board. This is no place to displace your anger and frustrations of the real world.


There's a reason I'm not posting much, and this explains it. Well, most of it. The alcohol is the other part :D
Gotta tell ya I'm getting a little tired of all much of the visciousness on the board lately. I'm not looking to stir up any sh*t and most of you don't know me from John, but the BOTLs that do know me can tell you I'm a man of strong opinions and good character. With that being said, some BOTLs lately seem to be eager to jump someone's sh*t ASAP without either ignoring what they think was meant or taking a step back and evaluating weather or not it is something worth jumping into, protection of the community rules and a*shattery aside.
Ask yourself - Do your actions make someone's day better or do they just make you feel better? This board has offered me many positive things over the last 11 months (yes that makes me a Noob but NOT some trash on the side of the road); think about the person on the other side of the post. Yes we have fun here with a little good natured ribbing and spirited discussions, but that doesn't give anyone the right to blast a BOTL in good standing, especially in "public." Before anyone speaks ill, make sure you've never had one of those days or said anything that COULD be misconstrued. Tread a little kinder.

FYI - I know Jay and he is a good guy, like the rest many of us he has his days, no worse, no better.

edited in blue at the suggestion of BOTL CoventryCat86
Gotta tell ya I'm getting a little tired of all the visciousness on the board lately. I'm not looking to stir up any sh*t and most of you don't know me from John, but the BOTLs that do know me can tell you I'm a man of strong opinions and good character. With that being said, some BOTLs lately seem to be eager to jump someone's sh*t ASAP without either ignoring what they think was meant or taking a step back and evaluating weather or not it is something worth jumping into, protection of the community rules and a*shattery aside.
Ask yourself - Do your actions make someone's day better or do they just make you feel better? This board has offered me many positive things over the last 11 months (yes that makes me a Noob but NOT some trash on the side of the road); think about the person on the other side of the post. Yes we have fun here with a little good natured ribbing and spirited discussions, but that doesn't give anyone the right to blast a BOTL in good standing, especiall in "public." Before anyone speaks ill, make sure you've never had one of those days or said anything that COULD be misconstrued. Tread a little kinder.

FYI - I know Jay and he is a good guy, like the rest of us he has his days, no worse, no better.

HUH? ??? I guess you are new because this past year is about the calmest this board has been in quite some time.

No offense but your whole post would have been a whole lot better if you hadn't posted it at all. I don't know you from John but you're coming across here with a bit of a superiority complex with a hint of condescension tossed in on the side.

This is meant to make your day better. ;)

PS: You left a "y" off of especially. It's good to look smart when acting smart. :laugh:
As the resident jerk here I reserve the right to be myself.

I've seen all the evidence and altercall is still wrong. He's been here... what... half a year? Long enough to know you don't ask that question in private or especially in public particularly when you are not involved in any way. His second mistake was pizzing down Cuabasurfer's neck about it.

One more thing: screw all you peaceniks, ya flakes. Just shut up and be nice. The rest of us will take care of the heavy lifting.

Gotta tell ya I'm getting a little tired of all much of the visciousness on the board lately. I'm not looking to stir up any sh*t and most of you don't know me from John, but the BOTLs that do know me can tell you I'm a man of strong opinions and good character. With that being said, some BOTLs lately seem to be eager to jump someone's sh*t ASAP without either ignoring what they think was meant or taking a step back and evaluating weather or not it is something worth jumping into, protection of the community rules and a*shattery aside.
Ask yourself - Do your actions make someone's day better or do they just make you feel better? This board has offered me many positive things over the last 11 months (yes that makes me a Noob but NOT some trash on the side of the road); think about the person on the other side of the post. Yes we have fun here with a little good natured ribbing and spirited discussions, but that doesn't give anyone the right to blast a BOTL in good standing, especially in "public." Before anyone speaks ill, make sure you've never had one of those days or said anything that COULD be misconstrued. Tread a little kinder.

FYI - I know Jay and he is a good guy, like the rest many of us he has his days, no worse, no better.

edited in blue at the suggestion of BOTL CoventryCat86

First off Rebel, who exactly are you talking to? You give a generalazation, "some BOTLs". Who? I would like to think you were talking to your buddy Jay. I mean he is the guy who started calling me a jerk, then escalated it to add "LIAR". So again, I ask you, who are you talking to? You did have an 's' on BOTL, so is there more than one? Or maybe your just trying to show your bond with jay? I'd like to know either way.
I would like to add something here.

.01 + .01 = .02

Just wanted to add my .02, thank you.

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