Time For a Contest!

1) Keystone_Raider.........."You smell something burning?

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo)........." Oh shit your pants are on fire (laughing)

thanks for the contest
1) Keystone_Raider.........."It's pretty f%*#ing cold out here."

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo)........."DUDE, you're on FIRE."

Thanks for the contest :laugh: :laugh:
1) Keystone_Raider.........."How do you prefer your marshmallows."

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo)........."Burnt."

Keystone_Raider.........."Dammit Jeff, I know you're a tightass, but you could have at least provided some toilet paper!"

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo)........." is that a piece of corn on your pants Jim? "

Doesn't anyone want a prize pack??

Come on folks, we seriously want the actual conversation that took place just before the picture of the burnt pants were taken. Or, as close as possible anyways.
Sorry man, I was just trying to be humorous.

I know bro.

But thar was still some sick imagery you put in my head. :laugh:
1) Keystone_Raider.........." I've never caught fire in all my years around a camp fire."

2) Jfields & Cigarstone " Looks like you jinxed youself Jim"
Keystone Raider: As an ex fire marshall there are numerous reasons that fire is unsafe.

JFields and Cigarstone: Your foots on fire.
Time for another shot:

Jim: Man, that smoker smells GOOD

Dicks: That's you, stupid!
Ok how about this...

1) Keystone_Raider..........Man this fire is hot."

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo)........."No shit your pants are burning"
Keystone_Raider - Jeff, your cigar stinks.

JFields and Cigarstone - F.Y., it's your pants!
Keystone_Raider - what are you smoking it smells like crap

JFields and Cigarstone - Its not your cigar man your pants are smoking .....
Was there every a winner announced for this contest? I'm curious to know what was actually said.

Edit to add: Did I win?
Ok I will give in another go.

Keystone_Raider..........Man that 150 Smells really weird.

Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo)........WTF, look at your pants.
John....Can I tell em, can I tell em, huh.....huh can I tell em?

I will give you this hint......John and I were casually chatting about something and when Jim caught fire and the stereo comment from us was very calm which lead to the overall comedy!

And Jim......I will give you every cigar I own if you don't make me go to that doctor!
Was there every a winner announced for this contest? I'm curious to know what was actually said.

Edit to add: Did I win?

No one got it! Just needs to be close. :whistling:

I gave you guys a hint.........Both replies have "Smoking" in them.
I'll give this another try....

Keystone_Raider..........Was I smoking something?
Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo)........Yes, you are smoking something
Ok I will try again

Keystone_Raider..........this is a really good cigar I am smoking
Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo)........that is not the only thing smoking!
keystone - I think this cigar smells funny

stereo - It's not the cigar!