Time For a Contest!

1) Keystone_Raider (in drunk voice) "My but's cold. This feels better "

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo) "Move"

Personally, I was thinking of Kenny lighting his Fart on South Park as well. :laugh:
) Keystone_Raider: "I'm a flaming butt pirate"

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo): "Ahoy matey!"

Did I win?
) Keystone_Raider: "I'm a flaming butt pirate"

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo): "Ahoy matey!"

Did I win?

Geoff, I can't speak for John but I would absolutely love to award you the prize for the first DICK to make me blow coffee on my keyboard. Rest assured, homophobia abounded that weekend, as it always will at my place!
Keystone Raider: Dude this beer's running right through me. I gotta take a piss. Ahh that feels good.

Jfields and CigarStone (in stereo): (Laughing there asses off) Asshole your foot's in the fire.
1) Keystone_Raider.........."Hey guy is there something on my back/feet"

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo)........."WTF"

Man I wish I was there.
) Keystone_Raider: "I'm a flaming butt pirate"

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo): "Ahoy matey!"

Did I win?

Geoff, I can't speak for John but I would absolutely love to award you the prize for the first DICK to make me blow coffee on my keyboard. Rest assured, homophobia abounded that weekend, as it always will at my place!

1) Keystone_Raider.........."Guys, for the last time, I'm not a flamer!"

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo)........."No dumbass, you're on FIRE!"
1) Keystone_Raider.........."Does denim burn?."

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo)........."YES."

That is a very funny picture, been there done that!

Thnaks for the contest.

1) Keystone_Raider.........."_My butt's cold. (backs up to fire)_."

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo)........."_Dude! You're on fire. _."
Keystone_Raider.........."Now my feet are nice and toasty."

Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo)........."That's because they're on fire!!!"
After this ends -I'll send a fiver to the person whose response made me laugh the hardest.

So go ahead and have some fun at my expense!

As for Jeff & John - I'm going to hook you both up with a doctor I know. ;)
Keystone_Raider.........."Dammit Jeff, I know you're a tightass, but you could have at least provided some toilet paper!"

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo)........." is that a piece of corn on your pants Jim? "
BTW, just because there's a fire in the picture, doesn't mean that's a "burn" mark on Jim's pants! :laugh:
1) Keystone_Raider.........."You guys smell something?!"

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo snickering)........."Noooooo..don't know what you're talkin 'bout" :whistling:

3) Keystone_Raider..........DICKS!!!
After this ends -I'll send a fiver to the person whose response made me laugh the hardest.

So go ahead and have some fun at my expense!

As for Jeff & John - I'm going to hook you both up with a doctor I know. ;)

You both are sick, sick, sick!!!!

Keystone_Raider.........."Dammit Jeff, I know you're a tightass, but you could have at least provided some toilet paper!"

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo)........." is that a piece of corn on your pants Jim? "

Doesn't anyone want a prize pack??

Come on folks, we seriously want the actual conversation that took place just before the picture of the burnt pants were taken. Or, as close as possible anyways.
It went like this..."Hey bud don't rest your feet up top of this here firebox."
I'm gonna play the "Timmy Technical" card here and say it went a little something like this:

1) Keystone_Raider.........."Oh God, please don't post this picture on CigarPass."

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo)........."Oh, we promise we won't."
Keystone_Raider.........."Dammit Jeff, I know you're a tightass, but you could have at least provided some toilet paper!"

2) Jfields & Cigarstone (In Stereo)........." is that a piece of corn on your pants Jim? "

Doesn't anyone want a prize pack??

Come on folks, we seriously want the actual conversation that took place just before the picture of the burnt pants were taken. Or, as close as possible anyways.
Sorry man, I was just trying to be humorous.