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Things I've learned the hard way . . .


Oh My!
Feb 6, 2006
1. Measure twice, cut once
2. Never spit/pee into the wind
3. Count your own change
4. Always get more than you think you'll need! ;)

I hope this thread continues in good light.
Keeping to post one item per day may give some longevity to this thread.
It will be interesting to see some of the lessons learned!

<This idea for a thread was taken from another forum>
6. Crisco is not a lubricant...

heres a funny one for you.

7.Dont get in the attic and try to walk on the rafters when alcohol is involved. It makes for a messy clean up.
heres a funny one for you.

7.Dont get in the attic and try to walk on the rafters when alcohol is involved. It makes for a messy clean up.

That also applies to a porch roof that needs more repair than you think...... :blush:

Which leads to, look before you leap.
10) The two most important words in a man's vocabulary, "Yes, dear."
11. When bored - do not try to cut open a golf ball with a hunting knife using your own hand as the vice to hold the golf ball.
Ensigns and 2nd Lts., like diapers, need to be changed often, and for the same reasons.

War does not determine who is right, war determines who is left.

Everybody is somebody else's weirdo.
Never fry bacon naked.

It really does hurt to pee on an electric fence.

My parents really did know what they were talking about.
Searching for spy cameras in your house at 2 am is generally a waste of time.

The older I get, the smarter my Parents are.

Never shovel 2 feet of snow off your roof with a big pair of Sorels on...because you will trip and fall off roof.