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The Walking Dead on AMC

Good episode. Anyone notice Glen looking at the pics of the bashed in heads? Foreshadowing perhaps?
Good episode. Anyone notice Glen looking at the pics of the bashed in heads? Foreshadowing perhaps?
I saw the head shots. What I initially thought is that the last one that came into frame was the red headed dude. When he said he was leaving, I thought he meant the community. I wasn't sure if he was in the raid party until the hall scene. Probably influenced by me trying to figure out which one is going to buy the farm this season.
I've never watched this show, but everyone is always talking about it.

Might need to find the previous seasons and see what's up.
Things got really dark in that episode. What would have happened if there were kids or women sleeping in the rooms when they were snuffing everyone? Carol and Rick might have been the only two people in the group who could have killed them.

And yes, I think all the clues are there with who will be first to plant a kiss on Lucille. I'm picturing Negan will punish Maggie but that Glen will somehow be allowed to take her place. Glen's good karma just got spent after making his first human kill.
Yeah, if there were kids in there it still would have been tough for Carol.....no flowers for them to look at as a distraction.
Just caught up last night...very dark but pretty good. I was thinking the head shot pics enabled Glen to kill. I'm interested in these 2 chicks who now have Maggie and Carol. Overall the episode was pretty bad ass.
This has been a really good season so far. I can't wait to see what happens when they encounter Neegan in the flesh.
I really hope that Carol doesn't become another Morgan... Maggie pregnancy hormones must be playing with her head because all she wanted to do was kill everyone. No mercy! hahahaha
McBride should win a Emmy for this episode. Just when I didn't think they could make it more intense. The Killing Floor ending... Damn, just damn.
I agree it was very intense for sure And this new Carol shit has got to stop...