When you said: "Bengal fans have to stop thinking they belong in the playoffs and just be happy when it happens every decade or so. After all, the Bengals have been to two Super Bowls, the other teams in their class would kill to have been to one!

" You said it all!!! You correctly summed up my entire presentation of this thread since we Bengal fans have to take what we can get...and what we get is more often than not a big s#@t sandwich. This year was sweet because I had all of you guys just sitting here on CP with big fat Black and Gold targets on your back...I mean the Steelers put up a Bengal season this year! Sure, Cleveland sucks too but what fun would it be to pick on Breedy and Universal?
Since we Cincinnati fans are a well mannered group of folks, I want to thank you all for being such good sports about how bad your team sucked it up this year. I did my best to insure that your s#@t sandwich tasted as bad as ours does every year.
As for Cincinnatians, you can probably hear us all saying "Let's Go Reds!!!" This is a baseball town and has been since 1865. So, how about that Chapman signing? Any wagers on Reds v. Pirates this year?