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The 'Other new Guy' Pass

Man oh man.. Postal service must be good out there in Texas.. WHOO Hallis got's the box... Hallis gots the box... Awwwwww yeah :p

Mudslide's for everyone!!!


[_] <--- that's supposed to be the mudslide glass
bryanh said:
I want some of what Tony is smokin!!
By the way, anyone heard from Misc yet?
Tony was smokin one of those beeeeeuteeeful smokes from Gil. I have no idea what it was, I'm going out on a limb by saying it was an ISOM, corona size, and HOLY CRAP. The taste was mind numbing. To say that it was good would be an understatement. I really wish I knew what it was (reminder to self... self, ask Gil what he sent)...

I was buzzing after it, it was peppery, very peppery, made my tounge go numb and it was like a shot to the head. Should have finished my dinner I think, but man, that was one hell of a powerful shot.

So as for a first ISOM experience, I'd have to say WHOA. Now i know what all the cufuffle is about :D

Otherwise, I'm bored. Nothing to do. Went on a spending spree for the couple of passes and stuff that's coming up. Got some nice maduro's for the maduro pass...
bryanh said:
I want some of what Tony is smokin!!
By the way, anyone heard from Misc yet?
We *ALL* want some of what Tony's smokin! ;)

I'm here. Did I miss a question? I'm not frequently on the board (is that ok?) -- I subscribe to a few forums and get them in e-mail. Sorry, it's just that, over a modem, these web boards are a real pain in the... :love:

I don't mean to seem anti-social -- I haven't seen any questions come my way, and don't have anything new to say, so... uh... chose to keep my mouth shut.

Go ahead, ask me a question. You'll be sorry... :lookup:

Misc -- Proud holder of "The most verbose person on ASC" title, as of this a.m. :)
LOL Misc...

No worries. I should take a page from the Misc files and keep MY mouth (um, or is it fingers?) shut sometimes. Think I've inserted foot into mouth errrrr, once or twice.....

Oh hallllllis... Come out come out where ever you are.... *clinking beer bottles together*

Name that movie.....
Toni.....Warriors, come out to playyyyyayyyy!

The movie is "The Warriors" A New York classic!
Oh Hallllllllllissssssssssss....

You got the box o' goodies? You still with us brother man?

Delivery Status

You entered 0301 0120 0002 7627 4203

Your item was delivered at 11:50 am on July 01, 2002 in NEVADA, TX 75173

Hmmm, wonder where Hallis is, I have not seen him at work in a while now. Let me check around.
Ok, I sent an email to Hallis, so hopefully we'll be hearing from him shortly. Since it's a holiday weekend, I'm not going to get nervous. Yet. ???

But I'm a bit discouraged by him holding a pass without posting or even contacting me or anyone else.

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Did I mention

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
I dunno where Navad TX is, but it is a possibility that his nearest Post Office is in a flooded area. Why dont you just give him a call.

Don't want to drag things into it, that's why I'm only leaving the :angry: 's. I have been in contact with Hallis and was pretty sure everything was fine. Now I'm getting :angry: because of what I was told didn't happen. That's all I want to say about it for now, but PB, if you talk to your boy, get some answers for me brother, I'm getting disturbed.
Well, it looks like we may need to call out those secret, crack team of CP gnomes to rescue this pass. Apparently negotiations have failed, so now what's the next step?

Well if it is truely MIA...Might have to use a little muscle...I know PuroBrat and TommyRox are out his way...Think Kenny is also...Not to mention Horse if I am correct. :(

Well, I don't think it's truly MIA yet. I do think there is a need to get the box away from the current box holder, because he has new work hours, which makes it very hard for him to drop it off, which I can understand completely, but he's not making an effort to get it to someone, say PB, that COULD get the box out. That's what's really bothering me, the lack of respect, the lack of communication, lack of cigars :p Because of this, I'd have to really consider allowing this person into another of my passes. Which upsets me, because I don't like the idea of cutting someone out.

So if the kidnapper is reading this... Get the box to PB so the pass can continue. If not, I'm sending in the Air Force. I'm sure my brother wouldn't mind coming up that way with the Stealth :p
Maybe I'm just coming in late here... but who's holding onto the box?

Is this person in any other passes (i.e. MINE?!?! )?

Dave ???
OK guys, PB is on it. I will put some presure on him tonight when he comes to work, hopefully it will already be on it's way by then.

No Dave, he isn't in any of yours, but I have his address, and he works in my office, so never fear.
The following message has been sent to a Shane Singleton, who is Hallis on this board. I would advise all members to not allow this person to be involved with their pass.
I am now understanding that this wasn't the first time Mr Singleton has held a pass hostage, hopefully it doesn't happen to any of you guys.
Sorry to have to be a whiny little bi#ch, but there were enough cigars in there to warrant this type of response.
And for once, I don't think I'm over reacting :)

Get the box in the mail, or give it to Michael. I don't want to hear your excuses anymore, and don't count on being in any of my passes ever again. I didn't want to have to resort to this, but if the box isn't sent, I will be pressing charges. You have an expensive box of cigars in your possession that does not belong to you.

This isn't the first time you've done this to the CP people, and I plan on making sure you can't ever do it again.
I received a response from Shane. I am posting it up here so as to have a line of response if the package doesn't arrive to Misc in a few days. I do not feel that Shane was honest or forthcoming about his actions, and there's no way he'll be involved with any pass of mine again.

tracking # is 0301 0120 0005 5338 4885, it mailed before you sent that email. reason i didnt get this out to you sooner is because i just now got home from helping a friend with an emergency. i used the last $10 i have to my name to ship it so i hope you enjoy the Opus X i made a special trip to a humador to buy for you.