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The Official Fitness Contest Thread

Back is mo better. Went to the PT this morning, did 15 min of warm up and stretch, then 45 min of circuit training (mixture of core exercises, some weight training, and cardio), was tough, but felt good after...

An interesting quick workout that you can do at home, the 'Big 21':

Starts out doing 21 push ups, 21 sit ups, then do a couple minutes of cardio (run bleachers, treadmill, jumping jacks, etc...). keep going, dropping by increments of 3 until you get to 1 push up, 1 sit up. about a 20 minute exercise, but it's a good workout for your core, and will whup ya if not careful.

hovering right around 180, BF % was 20.5
Things are progressing well for me. My weight is stubbornly staying close to the same but I seem to be rearranging it well.

Things are progressing well for me. My weight is stubbornly staying close to the same but I seem to be rearranging it well.


I'm with you on that one Seth. The initial 20 lbs came off in no time, just a matter of cutting out all the bad foods. I just got back from the gym, and feel great. I increased my reps again on the machines, and had no downtime, or hesitation in between machines. I didn't get to work out the last two days with work keeping me for 14 hours a day, so I did whole body, and wow, feel 10 years younger.

I was pretty bummed that I missed getting in on the class I wanted today by 5 minutes. I didn't want to offend the instructor by walking in late. Damn Mother in law was in town last night, and had to wait for her to get her ass out of my house so I could lock up. :angry:

I'll hit a class or two tomorrow. :D
Did a turbo kick class today. After the bad weather in the area, no one showed for the class but me, so it was my own little personal trainer in class for an hour.

Ate good today with a protein shake just after the workout, followed by some tuna for a snack, and for dinner was a salad and turkey.

Hope everyone is feeling good.
It appears I'm the only one that still knows this thread is around. ??? I participated in two classes this morning that I had never done before. The first class was Cardiobosu. Now I know how the black team feels on Biggest Loser. Our instructor today could have been Jillian's sister. She kicked my arse. Today is the first day I truely wished I owned a hottub at home. Just after the Cardiobosu, I took my first Zumba class. What a fuggin blast this thing was. It is a Latin dance class that combines dance moves with aerobics. I didn't get a chance to lift today, as I had to get home to get my kids to birthday parties, but the cardio was wonderful.

Erick, that's 4 of 5 classes to satisfy my bonus point #1. :D

I'm glad you made that suggestion with the bonus point. I may have never tried a class, as I always assumed they were just for the girls, but again, what a great time that is, and all the hot chicks shakin their stuff to some latin music doesn't hurt either.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Keep up the good work fellas. How's everyone else doing? Got your six packs ready for summer time yet?
six packs are for #ussies, i gotta keg :laugh:

back has still been acting up, can't workout like i want to, but had an excellent cardio this am, might lift tonight if back cooperates. Weighed 183 this am, 20% BF, not really losing much weight, but bf% is dropping.

Hey JetDr, did you have to wear a tutu when doing those classes :sign:
Ok, some facts I want to lay out.

I do not know anything about steroids, nor steroid substitutes. I do not take steroids, unless Muscle Milk contains any that they are not listing in the ingredients.

I highly advise against the consumption of steroids and HGH, for several reasons.

1) Testosterone is produced by your nuts, plain and simple. With induction of foreign testosterone in your body, your nuts will lose it's proprietary purpose and will shrink faster than a poorly washed wool sweater.

2) It will significantly increase your blood pressure, to unhealthy levels, and the possibilities of stroke and heart attacks are not unimaginable.

3) No matter how "safe" a steroid compound is, it will still chemically alter your brain's chemical processes, resulting in commonly called "Roid Rage".

4) Studies showed that production of muscle will draw the calcium from your bones, steroids will increase the depletion of calcium, and make your bones brittle like stale pretzels.

5) HGH is usually extracted from human corpses, and is a good way to contract diseases, especially fatal neurodegenerative diseases such as vCJD, the human version of Mad Cow.

I hope this small tidbits scare enough people to steer away from abusing these substances.

If you are really serious about increasing your testosterone production, increase your fat intake (but no more than 30%, testosterone is produced from saturated fat), increase your intensity on the weights, and considering looking at a supplement known as Tribulus terrestris. You might want to also increase caloric intake to at least 18 calories per pound of bodyweight.

On a more useful note, you guys and gal might be experiencing a slowdown in weight loss or fat loss.

Some supplements to consider taking would include:

Green Tea Extract

These three supplements represent a fat burning stack with your wallet in mind. You can buy coffee and green tea from any grocer, and they can be found at your GNC/Vitamin Shoppe in extract forms.

Hope this helps.
Back is mo better. Went to the PT this morning, did 15 min of warm up and stretch, then 45 min of circuit training (mixture of core exercises, some weight training, and cardio), was tough, but felt good after...

An interesting quick workout that you can do at home, the 'Big 21':

Starts out doing 21 push ups, 21 sit ups, then do a couple minutes of cardio (run bleachers, treadmill, jumping jacks, etc...). keep going, dropping by increments of 3 until you get to 1 push up, 1 sit up. about a 20 minute exercise, but it's a good workout for your core, and will whup ya if not careful.

hovering right around 180, BF % was 20.5

doing this with jump rope as my cardio........will not be able to move for the rest of the week

Class #5 of 5 has been complied with for the completion of bonus point number 1.

Today was a Group Power class. In this class we did lifts to work the chest, back, legs, biceps, and triceps, followed by some ab work. I though I was gonna pass out there for a while. Had to take a step back and catch my breath for a minute. I thought that class would be a breeze for a big strappin boy like myself. I have absolutely been put in my place with what I thought were easy classes for girls. :whistling:

Ready for the next challenge...
Doing great guys, sorry I haven't been able to post as much as I like, but I have been reading and paying attention. A couple of you have been sending pictures of your progress on a regular basis, some have not. It wasn't really laid out that you have to do this every week, but I would definitely like to see some of you guys and how you are doing now.

Keep up the good work!
Yeah, i'll send some today...

Damn back spasms, currently on Skelaxin, and it's making me lazy, but they're starting to let up some, so maybe tomorrow i can get back on track, scared to do too much until they go away. Any advice on dealing w/ this?
I have had the flu this week. Other than that, things are progressing well. Weight still being stubborn but my jeans have gotten very loose. Time to pull out the smaller ones.

All I have to say is:

I am sore as hell. These girly classes have made my parts hurt. :laugh:
Well at last weigh-in I was at 166 and 23% but the movers came and packed up my scale.

My run time is right at 16:45 for 2 miles and I am doing 67 push-up and 65 sit ups in 2 min.

As soon as I find the camera, if the movers have not taken that as well, I will get a few pics out.

I'm very frustrated w/ my back, it's really getting in the way of working out :angry:
Well off to go camping for a week. See you guys when I get back.
