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The Official Fitness Contest Thread

Way to go guys keep up the good work!

Gator in response to your questions; I wouldn't bother with the CLA. I don't think it will offer any significant benifit to your workout or weight loss program. As far as the pre workout meal, its good to have alittle something in the tank before weight lifting so that your muscles will have glycogen in them for energy. I would eat a small amount(half a serving) of a slow burning carb like oatmeal and an all proteing shake. But, really if you are serious and only want to burn fat and not add alot of muscle you could go on an empty stomach and just go thru a circuit workout. This will keep the heart rate up and burn the most calories and fat. Also, I read earlier where you said that you had reached a sticking point with regard to weight loss. If you are doing a low carb diet, you should alternate low and moderate days. The common way to do it is to go three days low and one moderate. Or you could do five low and two moderate. One thing to keep in mind is that you don't want to lower your calories and up your cardio at the same time. This could have a negative impact on you. As would too much cardio. Do one or the other but NEVER both. As far as the Creatine, you don't need it. It will add to your energy level, but you will also hold more water. If you want more energy just go with a natural herb. You are already going to add muscle since you said that you haven't lifted any weights in years so there is no reason to jump on the creatine or any other supplement outside of a protein powder.
I had a good start with hitting the gym 5 days the first week. Two minutes on the recumbant bike and then a three day rotation on the weights. Even though a lot of changes didn't happen, sure feels better getting in motion again.

Unfortunately, the honeymoon to Disney World and travel last week to Cedar Falls kept me out of my home gym. Just kept the meals small and often with a couple bike rides in the hotel gym.

Not much new to report on the scale as weight seems to fluctuate. I'm going to take some measurements and keep track with that at the end.
Way to go guys keep up the good work!

Gator in response to your questions; I wouldn't bother with the CLA. I don't think it will offer any significant benifit to your workout or weight loss program. As far as the pre workout meal, its good to have alittle something in the tank before weight lifting so that your muscles will have glycogen in them for energy. I would eat a small amount(half a serving) of a slow burning carb like oatmeal and an all proteing shake. But, really if you are serious and only want to burn fat and not add alot of muscle you could go on an empty stomach and just go thru a circuit workout. This will keep the heart rate up and burn the most calories and fat. Also, I read earlier where you said that you had reached a sticking point with regard to weight loss. If you are doing a low carb diet, you should alternate low and moderate days. The common way to do it is to go three days low and one moderate. Or you could do five low and two moderate. One thing to keep in mind is that you don't want to lower your calories and up your cardio at the same time. This could have a negative impact on you. As would too much cardio. Do one or the other but NEVER both. As far as the Creatine, you don't need it. It will add to your energy level, but you will also hold more water. If you want more energy just go with a natural herb. You are already going to add muscle since you said that you haven't lifted any weights in years so there is no reason to jump on the creatine or any other supplement outside of a protein powder.

I'm doing 20 min of HIT Cardio every morning on an empty stomach, then waiting an hour before i eat, an about every other day i walk the neighborhood at a fast walk w/ the wife, great way to get some 'us' time. Lifting every other day, and on those days i alternate between upper and lower body, so i have plenty time to rest the muscles before the next lifting. Eating between 1600 cal and 1800 cal per day, split into 5-6 meals, and eating clean, only whole wheat bread (and not much) lots of green stuff, and prolly 125-150g of protein / day, keeping sat fat below 10g. Not doing low carb, but my carbs are coming from whole grains and fruits, primarily. I feel great, but the pounds aren't coming off too easily. also, drinking at least 3 qts of h20 / day.
Not been a good week for me. Sunday weigh in 234 lbs and 35% bodyfat.
Not been a good week for me. Sunday weigh in 234 lbs and 35% bodyfat.

Hey, you are down in weight and body fat from when you started, keep it up!! As to the bad week, that just means it is that much easier to make the next one better!!!

Gator, I think you might need to look at your carb sources and total carb intake if the weight isn't coming off. Also, the water from the creatine isn't going to help with the scale. STOP THE CREATINE! If you do eat fruit do it early in the day, preferably after your workout. The rest of the day should be "good" carbs. Some good choices are oatmeal, green vegatables, and sweet potatoes. Like I said before, if you reach a sticking point either lower your carbs or up your cardio.

Almost forgot. You should have a cut off time for your carbs, maybe like 4 or 5 o'clock. After that time only take in protein from clean sources like chicken, fish, or protein powder. If you do this your body will be burning fat for energy and not carbs. Especially when you workout in the am on the empty stomach. And if your protein intake is high enough you won't have to worry about burning muscle. Last but not least, I would up the water by another quart.
Sorry guys, been working more than usual. Jeht2000 answered the questions pretty well, but here are some things to add.

Question for you fitness guys:

I would like your input on the dry sauna. I understand that hydration is imperative to rebuilding muscle, so why put yourself through something that will work against you with dehydration. Is there a benefit, other than just feeling good, to all of that sweating?

I might add, that I did use it for 10 minutes after each workout while drinking plenty of water. I use it for the relaxation side. So is this hurting me? Or with the right amount of water, is it fine to do for the pleasing portion of it?

The sauna serves several purposes, as you might have already figured out.

1) The mental state you achieve while relaxing in the hot steam is refreshing. You need all the relaxation you can get.

2) The heat expands your muscles and might help with the delayed onset muscle soreness you might experience.

3) If it's part of the gym facilities why not use it? I wish my gym had a sauna.

Hey Eric / Dave, what is your opinion on whether or not to use CLA when trying to burn fat and add muscle.
Also, how important is a pre-workout meal (lifting)? I like to workout early am, so i don't have the ability to eat an hour before lifting as recommended.

CLA isn't as vital as say the macro-nutrient protein itself, so I wouldn't consider it a primary supplement when compared to a mutlivitamin or fish oil. It's really dependent on how serious the total weight loss methods you are willing to endure. I prefer CLA from my beef, although grain fed beef has substantially less CLA than free grazing beef.

As for the pre-workout meal, again that depends on your overall scheme of things. Sometimes the pre and post workout meals only consist of a fruit and a slice of turkey breast, or maybe a small protein shake. Other times it could be a full course lunch. And it is also dependent on how taxing your workout is. Sometimes working out too hard on an empty stomach is better than tossing your cookies on the gym floor after pushing 20 reps on the squat, and then taking your post work out meal instead.

As for creatine, I know I said this already, but your body produces it naturally, and you can get it from whole foods such as beef. Every pound of beef contains 2 grams of creatine. It aids with muscle repair, and pushes more water into the fibers for a great pump, and does a whole lot of other beneficial things, but in terms of slimming down, it probably isn't your best friend. This is combined with a lot of theories on how creatine works in your blood, and often the best way to increase the uptake is to add salt into the mix, and salt (along with carbs) causes water retention and gives you a "bloated/fat" look.

For the sticking points... jeht2000 nailed it on the head. The body has adapted to your current lifestyle and you're going to have to manipulate your meals as far as carbs and protein. I wouldn't work more often, but rather slash the carbohydrates you are ingesting. Don't cut out more than 50% of what you were eating before, moderate deficits go a long way. This is also probably a good time to start cherry picking your weakness in your work outs, and push that to the limit. Not to work it longer or more often, but to tax it harder and really get a pump going in the gym (keep safety in mind). The end product of your time in the gym is to turn your body into a fat burning furnace.

You're all doing great. Keep it up. :thumbs:
Good stuff Dave. Its good to see that someone knows a thing or two about fitness and nutrition.

The only thing I'd like to add is that I wouldn't advise Gator to wait so long to eat after his workout. You need to replenish your body following a workout. If you are working out on an empty stomach after sleeping all night the last thing you want to do is wait even longer before eating. Your body will go into a catabolic state and you will burn muscle. Thats what you don't want. Personally, I would swap out that HIT cardio with a moderate cardio session(fast walk) of 30-45min. and immediately after the workout have a protein shake with a small amount of carbs. Maybe fruit. Otherwise you might get the shakes from being in such a depleted stated and no glycogen in the muscles.
Good stuff Guys, thank you!!

I'm starting to alternate my cardio between HIT and longer sustained cardio. I've had 5 surgeries on my right knee, so running isn't good, and prolonged walking is not as bad, but still gets it sore, so i do alot of my cardio on a stationary bike. I thought that the max fat burn was on an empty stomach and not eating for an hour? Maybe i should ingest some protein before? I do not feel bad after... I dropped the creatine, and the only supplements i'm taking are Omega 3 fat pills (that fish burp is NASTY), multi vitamin, and glucosamine / chond. for my joints (most likely have sacroiliitis). I will cut back on my carbs, and will try none after 4 (even so sweet tater?), but that that bowl of Fiber One w/ fat free milk about 9pm i will miss...

thanks again
fat boy
Sounds like everybody is doing great! Sorry I haven't written, I've been in the hospital for a few days but I'm back out now and ready to get busy!! Getting an accurate weight tomorrow.

I gotta go rest now.


It is good to see that things are getting back to normal-ish....you were missed last Sunday for sure.

Whew, back from a great weekend. Sore as heck but here.

Run and weigh-in.......

Down to 167 and change, and 22.3%

How about the rest of yall

sub 180 now, but been spotty on working out, back has been to the point of eating ibuprofen every 4 hrs. Went to the chiropractor today, and it's amazing how much better it feels, i wasn't sold on them, but now i am. Signed back up w/ a PT, 2 hrs a week of pure hell, this guy PUSHES you.
I am here!! I haven't got a scale or joined a gyn yet (I'm just suckin alittle). Just got back from having a wisdom tooth pulled but they said I should be okay 2 days max. I HAVE HAD ONE PIECE OF CRAP AFTER ANOTHER SINCE THIS STARTED AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!

Ok I'm all better. And I'm here albeit drugged (therefore happy :laugh: ).

You are all doing fantastic and I can't wait to see finale' pics! :thumbs: :cool: