Representative R-Letter, Request to Furnish Information
The United States Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC") administers a comprehensive trade embargo and assets freeze against Cuba as promulgated in the Cuban Assets Control Regulations, 31 C.F.R. Part 515 (the "Regulations"), issued pursuant to the Trading with the Enemy Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 1 et seq. ("TWEA") and the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992, 22 U.S.C. 6001-10 ("CDA"). The Regulations prohibit virtually all direct or indirect commercial, financial, or trade transactions of any nature with Cuba by any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, except as authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury or exempted by statute. Section 515.201(b) of the Regulations prohibits persons subject to United States jurisdiction from engaging in transactions involving property in which Cuba or a Cuban national has an interest of any nature whatsoever, direct or indirect, unless exempt or authorized by OFAC. Included in this prohibition is the importation of Cuban origin goods (including cigars) into the U.S.
Section 515.204 prohibits persons subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. from purchasing, transporting, importing or otherwise dealing in or engaging in any transacting with respect to any merchandise (including cigars) outside the U.S. if such merchandise is of Cuban origin.
Attached for your information is a Cuban cigar update published by this office which explains the embargo as it pertains to Cuban cigars.
It has come to our attention that on [number] occasions between January 31, 2004 and October 1, 2005, you purchased Cuban Cigars XXX, located in XXX.
Pursuant to the authorities granted in section 5(b) of TWEA and section 501.602 of the Reporting and Procedures Regulations, 31, C.F.R. Part 501, you are herby required to furnish OFAC with a written report detailing a complete history of your involvement in the purchase, production, importation and sale of Cuban origin cigars.
Your report must include the following information at a minimum:
1. The dates, quantity, and value of Cuban cigars or tobacco purchased by you. Indicate the method of payment. (If another party purchased Cuban cigars or tobacco on your behalf, identify that party.)
2. Copies of all transactional documents, such as: invoices, bills of sale, receipts or other documents pertaining to the purchase of Cuban cigars or tobacco.
3. If you purchased Cuban cigars or tobacco outside the U.S., explain the method by which you imported the cigars into the U.S.
4. Any additional information related to the purchase, production, or sale of cigars by you that is relevant to this matter.
Your report is due at OFAC not later than 20 business days from date of receipt of this letter. It should be sent to [_____________] at the following address:
Department of the Treasury
Office of Foreign Assets Control
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. (Annex)
Washington DC 20220
Criminal penalties for violation of the Regulations range up to 10 years in prison and $1 million in corporate and $250,000 in individual fines. Civil penalties of up to $65,000 per violation may be imposed administratively by OFAC.
You should also be aware that failure to respond to this letter may result in the imposition of civil penalties. If you have any questions, call Mr. [________] at (202) xxx-xxxx