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The "Knob Creek" Pass

Hey guys, me and eric were talking earlier, how do you guys deciede on what to bring to trade in for the sticks, and have you all ever gone for the same one?

Just wondering
Mephiston said:
forgot to mention yesterday the box went out ve 928 017 853 us.
hope you enjoy ggiese.

Who is that with?
to be fair we follow the pass order set by the pass originator..
once the first person does their P/T than the next on e in the pass order will do their P/T than finally the last one gets to do their P/T.

SOmetimes a Put will never make it out of chicago..LOL!! but that is a rarity!
Well before 10 works for me. Only thing i'm thinking of is the 300 dollar pot that we'll have. Think I'll buy a box of isom's now which one. lol
Well both times I got the box first and did my puts and takes at home. We have a good idea of what we want before the box even gets here. So we bring the sticks for those and then just incase some others incase the ones we want get picked out by the bums.... oh I mean my fellow botl's before me.
Track & Confirm

Current Status

You entered VE92 8017 853

Tracking service has not been purchased for this item.

What does that mean?! lol, I trust ya todd
hmmm never heard that before. Just did it the way i usually do insured and has to be signed for.
Sorry, guys - sleeping at the switch. Actually, I don't know what happened. I went out to get the mail yesterday and there was no box. I couldn't figure out what had happened, seeing as how close Todd was to me... But, I figured it would be here today.

Then, Momma called me last night to tell me a package was sitting there. I have no idea where it came from, or how it got to the house... Still kind of a mystery...

I opened the box last night when I got home (after 1 AM). Lots of nice choices in there... And I took a swig of the Knob Creek (I'm not much of a whiskey drinker,but I had to try - OH MY GOD... Felt that baby to my toes...) Signed the bottle already...

Anyways, the box is at the house resting comfortably. I'm going to hand this baby off to Alex and Steve on Saturday morning (along with Eric's "Gonna be a Daddy" pass).

Thanks for the extras, Todd!!! Very nice!!! :thumbs:
Giese, you are living one of my dreams. Two passes!
George what did you take?

SO i can start getting a list of things I want..
alexgtp said:
George what did you take?

SO i can start getting a list of things I want..

Man o' Man... Here ya go...


12) Edicion de Silvio Salamones
15) Siglo III '01 ISOM
22) Hanastoia Symphony Gold Label
27) Monte Tubos ISOM


33) DCM Fuente Charity Event SE
34) Monte #2 '02 ISOM
35) San Cristobal Punta ISOM
36) Onyx Maduro Beli
37) CAO Black Lable Lonsdale (4 years old)
38) NEW CAO Ltd. Ed. Black Label Corona

And a little sumpin sumpin in the host bag....

There... It's done.... Now we gotta do lunch!!!
damn U G..

I wanted the COhiba III..oh well..

I PM;d KB about my P/T still have not heard from him..

#8 Monti #4
#14 Diamond Crown #1
#31 Anejo #55

Sancho Panza Extra Fuerte Cordoba
Ashton VSG Enchantment
Cohiba Siglo IV
Cohiba Siglo IV
Por Larranga Petit Corona
H. Upmann Magnum 46
Mephiston said:
hope you got the extra bag there ggiese

Yes I did, Todd - thank you VERY much... I've heard about those AVO's, but haven't been able to find them... Very much appreciated!!!
I didn't PM KB with puts/takes because I figured we would have it for an extra couple of days - just in case. I hope you don't mind...

Sorry, Alex, I didn't hear you say anything about the Sig III earlier today, musta been asleep. I know you said you wanted the Monte #4 - I left that... But, I pulled something out of a pass recently I KNOW you want to try - I'm bringing it tomorrow... Then again, maybe you've had it already - I know you get what you look for, usually... We'll see!!!
Just jumping in to say, work sucked today,
thought about some knob creek on the rocks
then I grabbed an old cigar box
A partagas series D,
sitting there staring at me
I sit here with the ash turning gray
and the workweek starts meltin away.
Now I have to refill my glass,
So I'm off. Enjoy your pass.

my puts and takes

CAO old Black Label Lonsdale
CAO odyssey
monte #2

Red Label Greycliff robusto
AF pic included not sure what it is
mag 46 (isom)

Let me know if these are ok Thanks