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The "Knob Creek" Pass

Hey guys finally got the box last night after work. Here are the P's and T's

5. HDM palamas extra (isom 04)
9. lfd chisel
13. Ashton vsg er robusto
18. DE natural china5
19. punch punch (isom 03)

27. Montecristo tubo (isom 04)
28. San Cristobal La fuerza (isom 05)
29. padron 1926 #9
30. CAO odyssey
31. Anejo #55
32. AF don carlos double robusto.

And of course for the host a mini bottle of crown royal from 1983 or before (still in the cool purple bag). :cool:
That VSG ER is a pretty rare stick. But if it's cool with John, that's all that matters.

Todd, I still haven't smoked that Odyssey yet! :p
I'm running out of booze in Vegas, when is this thing going to get here?
Smokin' Tone's pass drank way too much.

For what it's worth, I think the P/T's are okay but that's mostly 'cause I could give a rat's a$$ about the VSG and I LOVE Padron 1926's, ESPECIALLY the #9's which are a $20.00 cigar AND Añejos which are darn near impossible to find. Speaking of which, anyone (well except Cliff :laugh: ) try to find any 1926 #9's lately? ??? :whistling:

I also think the Havana puts are better than the takes since that HdM (UGH!!) Palmas Extra is a machine made and the puts are two hand mades. I ever tell ya I'm not a fan of HdM :laugh:

Ultimately this is all up to the host but I'm making sure Mephiston is in MY next pass ;) :thumbs:
Agreed. :thumbs:

Sign the bottle and pass it on. Are the IL Gang ready?!
gregor22 said:
I'm running out of booze in Vegas, when is this thing going to get here?
Smokin' Tone's pass drank way too much.


Give it a couple more days! :p
Where's cohibasurfer when we need him? MMM isn't going to be around for a while so you guys might not be able to get some additional professional input and will just have to rely on my rantings :laugh:
well, I'm annoyed about the VSG ER take...

...but only because I wanted that damn thing! :p

coventrycat86 said:
Speaking of which, anyone (well except Cliff :laugh: ) try to find any 1926 #9's lately? ??? :whistling:
actually, yeah, I've been eyeing a box, but it's about $70 above msrp, and I don't have the $500 to plunk down for it at the moment. :(
but otherwise, yeah, coming up on a whole box of No. 9's hasn't been easy for quite some time.

...especially since somebody was quick-draw mcgraw on cliff's recent tip! :whistling:
puffnstuff said:
well, I'm annoyed about the VSG ER take...

...but only because I wanted that damn thing! :p

coventrycat86 said:
Speaking of which, anyone (well except Cliff :laugh: ) try to find any 1926 #9's lately? ???  :whistling:
actually, yeah, I've been eyeing a box, but it's about $70 above msrp, and I don't have the $500 to plunk down for it at the moment. :(
but otherwise, yeah, coming up on a whole box of No. 9's hasn't been easy for quite some time.

...especially since somebody was quick-draw mcgraw on cliff's recent tip! :whistling:

I'm irritated about the VSG ER for the same reason!!! Todd, you VSG whore.... :p

I'm with CC - nice set of puts/takes...

Yep - got my pee-pee dancing shoes on - as well as my catcher's mitt - fire that bad boy this way!!! I hope my herfin bros are ready for this one - if it sails the way I think, I should get it Weds or Thurs - which would mean a Sat night / Sunday herf - and this box will be on its way Monday, with three bites at the apple done!
ready..saturday sounds good...seeing as sunday is easter..so i have to do the family thing..

lunch time would be good!!
Saturday is good, Hey George you feel like playing some holdem? We might be having a tourny that night. Would be a 30 dollar buy in. If not lunch would work.
With the "Gonna be a daddy" pass coming, you guys will have the Chattanooga Boys passes, which means, big herf.
coventrycat86 said:
For what it's worth, I think the P/T's are okay but that's mostly 'cause I could give a rat's a$$ about the VSG and I LOVE Padron 1926's, ESPECIALLY the #9's which are a $20.00 cigar AND Añejos which are darn near impossible to find. Speaking of which, anyone (well except Cliff :laugh: ) try to find any 1926 #9's lately? ??? :whistling:

I also think the Havana puts are better than the takes since that HdM (UGH!!) Palmas Extra is a machine made and the puts are two hand mades. I ever tell ya I'm not a fan of HdM :laugh:

Ultimately this is all up to the host but I'm making sure Mephiston is in MY next pass ;) :thumbs:

Thank you. :thumbs:
Wow! This looks great, and the idea of passing the bottle of Knob Creek is cool.

Hopefully by the time this ends, and someone else decides to do the same thing, I'll have earned the right to participate!

commence pee pee dance..
2 passes at once this is gonna be insane if it comes to pass!!
Okay, boys... We gotta do some serious box pass trading this weekend. Steve, get you head out of the poker game and into the box pass box!!! If we do this Sat., I gotta do it earlier than noon - like 10ish??? I gotta work in the afternoon. Let me know if that works.
Do we know of any place open that early?
I can make 10:00 a.m.

What time do you work?