The "I'm Back to participating on the board" Contest

I have to say I am so far please with many of the entries...There are still 2 days left, and the jury is still out!
Since I already entered once this won't count but it's what I wish I had entered:

"Ooh boy I can't wait to see the look on dumbo's face when he looks in his new cool-i-dor"
Welcome back Leo

"Will it be a Sigfreid or a Roy?"

"With an infinite amount of patience and effort, man has taught an elephant to use the shitter. The quest for women to make sense still remains unsolved."
great job guys...the contest has been closed, and I will read over all of them tomorrow, and pick my favorite. What I plan on doing is copy/pasting into word and then picking my favorite, this is so I don't have any bias towards anyone.

thanks all for participating :thumbs:
Now that it's over I can post the entry I should have entered.

"Today, Rep. Tancredo (R-CO) was seen blowing something other than cigar smoke into Rep. Kieth Ellison's(D-MN) office."
I unfortunately have run into long days at work (I am there now) as I am working for a congressional campaign and the election is in 27 days. I will have time to look at these on Saturday. I apologize to the winner, and I will include an extra special stick to the winner to make up for the delay.