I would want to have a few more rules with mine to keep the bomb from getting...well lets say less then desirable for the person that receives it. I will give you a call maybe tomorrow, since I am headed to B-more today for a Herf.
Well, we forgot to discuss this; too many cigars to smoke and chips to take.
However, my ideas don't have as much to do with these HPBs as HPBs in general and a pass idea.
1st, a bomb is just that; something that blows up someone's mailbox and hopefully leaves behind some desirables. It can be cigars (most likely around here) or other things could be included as well. If it is called a bomb, then it isn't a pass ... at least not necessarily.
2nd, if a bomb is a Hot Potato, then the thought process is similar to the game Hot Potato, where someone gets it and then passes it on for another BOTL to enjoy.
However, there is no requirement to have it continue on (refer to the first point).
3rd, a Hot Potato Bomb (HPB) is both a bomb and is often passed on. Since it is a bomb, people take stuff out of it (refer to the first point), and they didn't ever sign up for a pass. This is just a bonus that showed up in the mail.
If ppl keep taking out of it and passing it on, eventually it will really not be worth passing on AND SHOULD DIE. Personally, I hate being the recipient of crap; please don't send your crap to me; unless of course you consider Siglo IV's crap, then call me your trash can.

But this phenomenon is not unique to CigarPass; I just got hit on CigarWeekly with a junker. And yes, it is going to die there.
Now tastes differ, so what someone may not smoke anymore somebody else may love. That's not what I'm talking about; but dry, cracked, dog rockets are not worth the postage. If it was a cigar that you love to smoke and still love to smoke, chances are it is a good stick. If it is a cigar you used to love to smoke, but your preferences have changed, chances are it is a good stick that somebody will like.
So it makes sense that they eventually deteriorate and die. I like to track them to see where they go. It is curiousity. I in no way meant to give the impression that someone was a bad BOTL if they didn't pass it on. Sometimes they really deserve to die. And sometimes, they should have died a long time before it ever got to you.
I sent out 007 with about 25/30 sticks or something because I was hoping that it would continue on. But after it left my doorstep, I was cool with the idea that JAEwing might have a herf party at his house and it might never go any farther. I started w/ that many because I was hoping that it would be picked at and passed on and have enough juice to keep trucking for a while.
So yea, if it is dead, kill it. Put it out of it's misery. Idahoans are proud of thier potatoes; we would never advocate the passing of a rotten potato!
If you want to start another one, Go For It! Call it whatever you want. But realize it may never go farther than one house, and if you are OK with that, send away. If not, then start a pass.
So this is where my idea comes in. I was thinking of starting a Hot Potato Bomb Pass, where people sign up and intend to pass it on. More to come in the next few weeks; I still have some fleshing out to do. Keep an eye on the Open Passes forum. :thumbs:
Just my $.02.
- C