I had to attend an event last night so I just got a chance to watch Moki's review of #8 of minutes ago here at work. Jeez, Andrew, if you didn't want to review any more you didn't have to feed them to your pups :laugh:
A few of you may remember that one of the cigars that I got in Moki's original "Evil" blind taste test was so plugged that I couldn't smoke it at all, even after wrestling with it for all I was worth. Moki sent me a replacement that I was able to review and I am happy to return the favor if he likes as I do have a few more of these.
After watching your review though, Andrew, I doubt your opinion will change. This is in no way a commentary on the accuracy of your thinking, it just seemed to me that your reasoning was logical and carefully considered.
So, in response to your request for a pass on this one:
*in my best Soup Nazi voice*
I am happy to get an "un-dogifed" smoke out to you for review. Or if you prefer, we will let your review stand as is and I will reveal cigar #8's info this evening when I get home from work. Let me know.
- Tim