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The Dailey Jam Session 2023 (Post the sound vibrations that pair with your smoking pleasure)

17 year old me shit a fucking brick when I bought this album blind and this was the first song to play.

I was same way when I first hears Sins Of Omission in '91 or '92. I was all Slayer at the time.. then got to see LOG open for them in '06 during The Unholy Alliance tour.. I couldn't hear shit the whole next day.. I've resigned myself to the fact I'll need a hearing aid sooner than most!

That was amazing! Never heard of him.. loved when the Spanish guitar influence came in.. can hear a lot of different influences all the way through! Does he do vocals, or just instrumentals?

I need to hear more..

ETA: He was part of a number of metal bands I see.. including Testament.. that explains it!