The Cuban Embargo


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
When do you guys think the Cuban Embargo will end? I've been hearing maybe this year. Hopefully Bush will help open up trade again.
I think it could be this year, but I also wouldn't call it a great thing either. The novilty for cuban cigars in america will be overwellming to the market. So inevitable the cost will possible double what it is in other countries now. The only good thing is that when its all said and done it will be back to us "Lovers of the leaf" and our precious not as good as they us to be cubans because of demand the quality will go down the tubes. Then we will be smoking what we are now only cheaper. LOL :)
I somewhat agree with Darren though I don't necessarily think it will be a bad thing in whole. It will however cause a huge decline in quality of cigars. I believe there was a push this past year to see if they could produce 200 million cigars which would be what they need to produce to "keep up" with a demand that lifting the embargo would create. They fell short of the 200 million and produced closer to 150 million and quality has been actually pretty good in the first part of the year, but some of the newer, that is late 2000, cigars are lacking in quality and the rumor is that some of the blends are actually the same in different cigars, just the shapes changed. This is just rumor and the new smokes are too young to really tell if they will be any good. Lifting the embargo will help the country of Cuba though. And while I fret having to pay triple for my favorite smokes, I would like to be able to walk into the coffee mart and buy cuban coffee or into the liquor store and pick up a bottle of HC 7. One more note would be that for the most part I think for myself, even if I could got to the local tobacconist and buy island cigars I would probably buy from overseas still.
I think that the embargo will eventually be lifted, but not while both Castro is in power and Jessie Helms is in Congress. One of them will have to go first. :)Unless Habanos/Altadis is very careful, post-embargo cuban cigar quality will experience the same dive that non-Cubans experienced during the cigar boom.
I happen to agree with Keith. I think as long as Castro is around there will be no lifting of the embargo.
I agree with the position, that as long as Castro is in power, the embargo will stay in force. Unfortunately, in my opinion.
Well, cigars and rum aside,I really dont want to embargo lifted while Castro is in power. Does anyone remember why the embargo went into effect in the first place. Does anyone remember the nukes that were pointed at the US from Cuba? No remove Castro and insert democracy before we lift any embargo. Just my .o2 cents
I' do think the lifting of the embargo would make ISOM'S
More pricy and quality would suffer but I' think it would only be for a short time. (I' hope). :cool:
I agree with Smokemed... I think it will definately bring the price up. Kinda like a mini cigar boom all over again...Rod
Ditto on the continued embargo until Castro is worm food or the the republic of Cuba is Free! Can you imagine how many fakes will be out there on the market once the embargo is finally lifted at least i usually get what i expect these days.
I think that the embargo should be lifted even though the quality of the cigars will decline in the short term. I would guess, however, that it won't be lifted at anytime in the near future.
The United States' position on Cuba remains a mystery to most other countries in the world. How is it possible that the US will recognise and trade with China but not Cuba. Or the former Soviet Union.
The nukes in Cuba were a Soviet response to the NATO nukes which had been deployed in Turkey (on the doorstep of the Soviet Union). It was the then typical cold war game of which NATO and the United States were active participants.
The other argument that is usually cited by people in favour of the embargo deals with the property confiscated during the Cuban revolution. As far as I can tell, the government of the United States provided no compensation to those people who lost property as a result of the American revolution.
I don't mean to offend anyone but just my 2 cents.
I think Castro's rule will soon be at an end; just the other day he collapsed while giving a public speech in Cuba.  The question is,  once Castro is gone will his brother (they say he is next in line) work with the US to bring an end to this.  If the embargo were to end, the next day a billion US dollars will be in Cuba.  If Bush was in the White House while Castro croked, I think he would take action right away.  Being the largest island in the Carib, it has tremendous potential and eventually will be another place for tourists to flock.  As far as cigars go, they will decline in quality for a short time, but will climb back.  Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong:cool:
2000 and 2001 saw better quality out of cuba than in recent years. If this continues then leave Cuba alone. opening the doors is only going to make it more difficult and expensive to obtain good cigars. There are some very fine hotels and restaurants in Cuba and if you want to go you can. Theres a way around everything. I for one would rather visit it in its semi natural state rather than having cruise ships flocking there daily with umpteen thousands of tourists jacking the prices of everything through the roof. If there were enough unhappy Cubans there would be a revolution and when Castro dies there probably will be. Like it or not there are many in Cuba that are very happy with the way things are. Is it simple and antiquated by our standards but some people like that. Even with Castro gone things wont change overnight. Put democracy in place and you have 11 million people that wouldnt know how to handle it. Look at Russia. Its a much larger scenario granted, but, is everyone in Russia happy about having democracy? The money isnt exactly pouring in there either, or what is is going to the mafia. Peoples lives in russia havent changed much and thats because it takes time to implement democracy. If Cuba opened tomorrow it could be 10-20 years before there was some sort of normal democracy there. Just my opinion of course
When Castro finally becomes worm chow, and Cuba (hopefully) becomes free. Would the cigar companies still be state run or would they become private again? I think that would have some effect on the quality of their smokes.
Yes, Altadis does own 51% of Habanos SA and word is taht quality will go up. The 2000 "crop" of smokes were very bad compared to what is now coming out. '97, '98, '99 was not much better than 2000. But, with any luck the new stuff will not only be better, but will age well too. As far as 2000 cigars..especially H2000 wrapped ones...smoke 'em now, word is they are not going to age well.