Kinda like being married, right?LuckyDawg said:problem is, when they get that freedom, the reality
hits that it comes with responsibilty. no more handouts.
then it often devolves into several warlords handling
the handouts and factions fighting each other, e.g.
somalia. kind of like when a longtime inmate is released
from prison. without the structure of someone handling
everything, they're lost.
:lookup: AMENgibu said:I don't know, that seems to be a very short sighted view Estaban. No democracy is perfect as people themselves are imperfect, and new democracies are the worst since they have not had the time to let democratic traditions take root in the populaces mind set. Still, freedom is better, then not free no matter what the other conditions in place are.
Look at it this way if for no other reason. Democracies do not declare war on each other. If freedom and democracy aren't worth the intioal pain then why does all the world yern to be free? Why has eastern europe bothered to strive so hard to be free? Why have students die in China?
We have had over 200 years to work out the kinks in our little system and we still have problems here and there, but at least we are free to solve those problems our way and not the way of dictators such as Saddam and others.
Nope my friend, I fear you see democracy for Cuba as a glass half empty problem. I like to see it as half full and will only improve once its free to do so provided we are patient.
When do you guys think the Cuban Embargo will end? I've been hearing maybe this year. Hopefully Bush will help open up trade again.
Wow, Bush isn't even President. And this has been discussed many times already, no need to start a new thread
One was done by Gary as a joke but now they are just confusing people and it aint funny no mo.Gotta love the post to bring back a 9+ year old thread. I thought Rod said no bringing back old threads and the new rule said it was a banning offense? I must of missed the memo. :laugh:
Doubt it, demand would explode, which means production would explode, and quality would go down. It would take a while before the quality could come back.