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The Batty-Bones "Show Me The Sun" Pass

OK, got the box :) . The PSD4 is trashed {I will leave it in so nobody gives me ****} I am going to change the container to a rubbermade and add some foam padding to better protect the cigars. Darn Newbies!! :p

Cohiba sig IV (ISOM)
Opus xXx
PAM Exclusivo
VSG bell

Monty #4 {03}ISOM
R&J celestial finos {99} ISOM
Trinidad {98} ISOM
Punch/punch {98} ISOM
Mag 46 {99} ISOM
Sancho Panza Bell {03} ISOM
Anejo 50
Oliva "O" Omni
R&J maduro bell

Should be back on the road tomorrow!! ;)
JOE.M. said:
OK, got the box :) . The PSD4 is trashed {I will leave it in so nobody gives me ****} I am going to change the container to a rubbermade and add some foam padding to better protect the cigars. Darn Newbies!! :p

Cohiba sig IV (ISOM)
Opus xXx
PAM Exclusivo
VSG bell

Monty #4 {03}ISOM
R&J celestial finos {99} ISOM
Trinidad {98} ISOM
Punch/punch {98} ISOM
Mag 46 {99} ISOM
Sancho Panza Bell {03} ISOM
Anejo 50
Oliva "O" Omni
R&J maduro bell

Should be back on the road tomorrow!!  ;)
Ah hell, I take full responsibility for the container choice. Seemed tightly packed and wasn't shifting when it left on its journey...but I had my doubts. Just couldn't find a Tuppi of suitable size for the job. Hopefully Joe will take care of us :love:

Never-the-less, I'm glad everything else is going well. Let me know what I owe ya' for the new Tupp. and such Joe. And btw, phenomenal puts. Thanks!
Toaster said:
Nice as always Joe... ;)
Why spank you Mr. Toast :)

Allllllllllllllllllllllrighty then! Box is ready to go! :thumbs: Thanks for inviting me in fellers! Was a pleasure!

DC # 0103 8555 7492 8819 0078

Comin' at ya in the AM MMM! ;)
??? It sure is lonely out here at my mailbox...

...good thing my high speed wireless signal reaches this far out! :D
MilesMingusMonk said:
??? It sure is lonely out here at my mailbox...

Ba Ha! :p I hope it's not raining out there MMM! Hey, do me a favor and toss that PSD4. I will list it as DOA and we'll act like it never existed. I see no reason for it to finish the trip. ???
The neighbors have become suspicious of my behavior, as I continue to maintain my vigil, in the rain, at my mailbox, doing the pee pee dance.

...hope they don't call the Fuzz on me again. ???

The postal delivery person didn't seem to happy with me either after I jumped in the back of the jeep, rummaging madly through the undelivered parcels... What does she know, I bet she gets prettty damn skippy when her Pottery Barn spring white sale package arrrives. :angry:

I am like a caged animal, pacing back and forth over the tender shoots of Cynodon dactylon...

Maybe tomorrow ?
MilesMingusMonk said:
The neighbors have become suspicious of my behavior, as I continue to maintain my vigil, in the rain, at my mailbox, doing the pee pee dance.

...hope they don't call the Fuzz on me again. ???

The postal delivery person didn't seem to happy with me either after I jumped in the back of the jeep, rummaging madly through the undelivered parcels... What does she know, I bet she gets prettty damn skippy when her Pottery Barn spring white sale package arrrives. :angry:

I am like a caged animal, pacing back and forth over the tender shoots of Cynodon dactylon...

Maybe tomorrow ?
I feel your pain...but damn man, your sick! Leave that poor USPS woman alone. She brings out the pepper spray and you'll be in for it :sign:
Day Three: Thy Beardth Groweth

The Bat Bones Box pass vigil continues...I noticed a few vultures circling overhead...must remember to keep moving!

Before the USPS jeep came, I took T-Bone's advice and donned my surplus Y2K gas mask, figuring there might be some hard feelings left over from yesterdays's (..less than stellar) interaction. All for naught; delivery lady ignored the roadblock and barreled on by leaving me empty handed.... :angry:

Still no package. :(

Must remember to lay tires spikes for Monday...

Can't get gas mask off. Finding it hard to smoke my Punch churchills within confines of mask; switching to partagas shorts.

Hard to see with this mask on too...I mistook ol' lady McCormick for my girlfriend when she passed me by on her afternoon walk. Unfortunately the old girl hadn't played grab ass since Lyndon Johnson took office.. local sheriff gave me the benefit of the doubt in exchange for my box of Cohiba Siglo VIs and the last of my cuban rum. ???

Out of food too. Will establish a series of rabbit snares at basecamp....haussenpfeiffer stew for breakfast maybe?

Realization that tomorrow is Sunday. No deliveries.

Must stay strong, must maintain sanity.....
USPS DC Tracking says package out for delivery!

I expect to see it on my stoop this afternoon.

:) :) :)
Your item was processed and left our HEALDSBURG, CA facility on March 29, 2004. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later. -USPS tracking websitef

Be strong MMM. BTW, any luck w/ those snares?
The Bat Bones Pass has arrived!

Sticks resting in the coolidor-- I'll post my P&Ts this evening and get this box on the road again first thing tomorrow morning.

Stay tuned.

:) :) :)

MilesMingusMonk said:
The Bat Bones Pass has arrived!

Sticks resting in the coolidor-- I'll post my P&Ts this evening and get this box on the road again first thing tomorrow morning.

Stay tuned.

:) :) :)

After that wait don't you be afraid to go hog-wild on the takes and puts.

A man who braves the elements, USPS employees, and the old lady next door deserves some good cigars :)
A few observations:

#1. Opus X Power Ranger was noted as taken by JoeM. ( Opus xXx) , both on his post and on the written list. This needs to be corrected on BatChief's thread listing.

#8. Padron 1926 #6 appears to be a natural, not a maduro. A Padron expert down the list may want to verify this...

#19. and #22. have minor foot splits and #26. is showing some wrapper flaking.

My play:

#23 (..the original destroyed PSD4 ) with a PSD4 '02 from my collection.

#14. Opus X #4
#27. Vegas Robaina Unico ( ISOM )
#33. Sancho Panza Bell '03 ( ISOM )

#37. Punch Churchill '99 ( ISOM ) CCA CCUT
#38. Cohiba Sig IV '03 ( ISOM ) FRH SEP 03
#39. Opus X Perfection X
#40. RASS '03 ( ISOM )
#41. Bolivar Corona Extra '03 ( ISOM ) SUA FEB 03

I will also toss in some additional baggies per Batchief's request.

As long as my P&T's are acceptable, this baby will be back on the road first thing tomorrow morning!

:) :) :)
MilesMingusMonk said:
#8. Padron 1926 #6 appears to be a natural, not a maduro. A Padron expert down the list may want to verify this...
If it is a natural, it'd be really light. The maduro's can vary a bit, but in general for the 1926's, they should be quite dark. Here's an example, with the natural on top, maduro on the bottom:


anyway, very nice play, MMM -- and very classy to step up and replace the damaged cigars!!