I for one find it pretty immature that someone with as much tenure here as yourself has stooped to the level of the people we try to keep out of here and chose to handle this in a ridiculous manner. I don't know you and have never dealt with you on here and from what I see here I have no desire to. The fact that it is an acceptable action here because of your tenure is a little silly . Posting in other thread just to stir some drama for yourself and bait him is childish. If you have nothing better to do than troll the boards and try to bait upstanding members here, then find something else because this is ridiculous. I invite mature responses to my commentary if you have any corrections to offer.So at what point in this thread did Sean post letting us know he would not be able to turn this around in a timely fashion? He's holding onto a pass (albeit with the host's permission) for going on two weeks and hasn't even had the courtesy to say something to the other pass participants? Here's a great example, "Hey guys, I had a bunch of things come up unexpectedly and at Marco's insistence I'm going to hold onto the pass and get my puts and takes done by the end of the week, sorry for the delay"
I haven't seen anything close to that yet, and in fact the last time I checked today could qualify as the end of the week, yet no puts and takes. If a guy has time to log onto the board and post elsewhere then I think he certainly has time to work on some puts and takes.
Why does everyone always insist that issues like this be worked out privately? Are you trying to hide something from the rest of the board that you don't want aired publicly? Does Sean not want the rest of the board to know that he's holding onto a pass for almost two weeks without even proposing some basic puts and takes?
If anyone has issues with me or thinks I'm not handling this properly you'd better pm me and we can discuss it privately, I'd hate for the entire board to find out that someone thinks I've done something wrong.
I am not condoning what is going on with Sean, my only beef is how this has been taken care of.