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Star in a Reasonably Priced Car Pass

This is out the door. DC # 0308 1400 0001 5265 3439 Thanks for letting me play along.
Dear God, enough with the puns. :)

I've updated the list to reflect the last set of p/t's. If I owe anything to anyone - updates or guidance or the like - PM me again. Today is my "bookkeeping" day, catching up on just about everything.
Dear God, enough with the puns. :)

I've updated the list to reflect the last set of p/t's. If I owe anything to anyone - updates or guidance or the like - PM me again. Today is my "bookkeeping" day, catching up on just about everything.

Getting a little anal, Marco? :sign:
[quote name='Smokin'Sims' post='796086' date='Jan 14 2009, 03:28 PM']This is out the door. DC # 0308 1400 0001 5265 3439 Thanks for letting me play along.[/quote]

Has the Eagle landed at its next destination?
Can't see right now - USPS tracking appears to be down. It was at the postal station on Tuesday; it should be at the door today.
I've been watching it also it arrived at the unit on the 17th. That is the last I have seen updated.
Thought I'd share what I've gotten out of this pass thus far. I smoked the Sun grown that I took from the pass yesterday. I had forgotten what a nice cigar this is. I will definitely be buying more. Sometimes I get caught up in trying new things that I forget to grab good go to cigars. This pass has helped remind me of that. Thanks Marco for putting this together.
I have the pass in hand. All looks well as for stock and condition.

Monday was the MLK holiday, my car ate its transmission on Tuesday, so I was slow picking it up at the post. Funny how key a transmission is to a car.

I have my puts and takes penciled, so should post tomorrow. I have one stick I think may be a nice fit, but need to locate at a local B&M.

I will have this ready to move by mid week.

Marco, is the most current list posted ?

Yup, the most current list is on the first page.

I have more bad news apropos of a well-resepcted participant. Frank (Franco593) has to leave the pass due to health reasons. He will have to stop smoking in the short term, and may have to do so permanently. Again, I'm sure that I speak for all of us when I wish him a full and complete return to health, and the best to his family.
That's sad news, I hope everything turns out well for you Frank, you are in my prayers.