Star in a Reasonably Priced Car Pass

Pass arrived yesterday while I was at work, man that was quick....

For the most part things look to be in good order. However there are a few house keeping issues.

1. ) We are running out of bags. Original # 9-17 are now empty and I have erased the numbers. After my takes one or two more bags might be free. I will highlight those missing numbers on the pass sheet. Also I will try and scrounge up as many finger bags as I can.

2. ) On the updated list you have two (68) on from Nimrod (Reyes Family) and one from Bu11Dog (La Cabana). Cigars are marked correctly in bags with Bu11dog's being 69, so it just seems that every one from that point foward should be bumped up one on the master list.

3. Put 56 Padron 2000 Maduro has some damage near the cap, nothing major. I noticed it so I figured I would report it. I looked, and can't believe it, but I am out of 2000 maddies :0

Now for my takes and puts (my puts will be one high to reflect the issue addressed in #2 above)

T: 4) Alec Bradley Ovation Maduro (2.50) P: 77) 5 Vegas Classic "55" (3.00)
T: 45) CAO 65th Tonton (6.80) P: 78) AF King B (6.72)
T: 51) Nub Cameroon 375 (3.62) P: 79) DPG Cuban Classic Perla (4.00)
T: 58) Hoyo Dark Sum. Ebano (2.76)
P: 80) Gran Habano #5 Corojo Gran Robusto (red label 3.25)
T: 63) 601 Green Tronco (7.30) P: 81) Padilla Miami 8&11 Robusto (7.50)
T: 65) Cx2 Beli (8.50)
P: 82) Cohiba Red Dot Churchill (8.80)

So there they are....Discuss...remember my Puts are one number high due to the Duplicate 68s. Sorry I didn't get my puts and takes posted sooner. I wasn't expecting this afternoon or possible tomorrow. USPS was on the ball. If this gets approval I can have it turned around tomorrow, otherwise it will be Sat. due to holiday and work schedule.

On the way...

DC #0308 1400 0002 1996 4782

That was way harder than I anticipated!!! Fun but hard :thumbs:
Great job Kevin...I'm glad you stuck around. Yeah, the first one is a little daunting, but all-in-all, it's a lot of fun. Having it arrive at Christmas time just added to it!

Your next one will be way easier, I promise.
T: 4) Alec Bradley Ovation Maduro (2.50) P: 77) 5 Vegas Classic "55" (3.00)
T: 45) CAO 65th Tonton (6.80) P: 78) AF King B (6.72)
T: 51) Nub Cameroon 375 (3.62) P: 79) DPG Cuban Classic Perla (4.00)
T: 58) Hoyo Dark Sum. Ebano (2.76)
P: 80) Gran Habano #5 Corojo Gran Robusto (red label 3.25)
T: 63) 601 Green Tronco (7.30) P: 81) Padilla Miami 8&11 Robusto (7.50)
T: 65) Cx2 Beli (8.50)
P: 82) Cohiba Red Dot Churchill (8.80)


I have no problem with the P/Ts, I am just curious of where you are getting your numbers from.
Most of the number were pulled from CI, normally I would use the Cigar'O' peida. My thoughts were that most of if not all the cigars in question were common and CI stocks all except the Padilla Miami and the Cx2 (althought they have in the past). For those two I went the comparison chart and took the general average. I had my two year old running around so I rounded, so they might be off a little, but I tried to air on the side of caution.

The one problem I have found with the comparison shopper is that occasionally a certain stick will have and extremely low value from one site, or an extremely high value from another. In such cases, if there is one low and one high I drop those and take the average of the remaining.

I used CI hoping to get this back out before the Holidays. PO will be closed on Thursday and I work on Friday, so that means unless it goes out tomorrow I have to hold it till Sat., which is no problem for me, but I like to try and be prompt.


Also, the Alex Bradley Ovation did not appear on CI or the comparison shopper, but I did have an old CI catalog that had them close-out @ 50.00 for 25. That was for the natural.
Ok, I was just trying to see your logic behind the prices.
I tend to stick just to what is the cheapest among Famous, CI, and Holts.
Bags: Thank you for scrubbing the numbers and re-using the bags, I appreciate that (and that's what we should be doing, going forward. If need be, you can make jury-rig bags from a 1qt ziploc and double-sided tape (there should be a roll in the box). Not pretty, but workable.

I'll also attempt to scrounge up as many bags as I can, and mail them to either jnknzz or Smokin' Sims in order to add to the stock.

P/T's: looks good to me, you're careful to make trades that are secure, but don't ratchet up the price too much. Good man. Please give it another 24 hours to give Gonz (and everyone else) a chance to weigh in. After 10PM Wednesday you are approved.

No. 56 Padron 2000 Maduro: a little travel damage can be expected, but I think that this is the correct etiquette: if it's very minor and doesn't detract, please p/t for it at a discount (you or anyone else, at their discretion); if it does detract from either appearance or smokability, please put it in a separate bag and I'll withdraw it from the pass list outright.
Hey Marco...I have plenty of singles bags in stock and ready to go. Let me know if you would like them and I can mail them to whomever you decide. I have labels too.

Standing by.....
Bags: Thank you for scrubbing the numbers and re-using the bags, I appreciate that (and that's what we should be doing, going forward. If need be, you can make jury-rig bags from a 1qt ziploc and double-sided tape (there should be a roll in the box). Not pretty, but workable.

I managed to free up some from my vinotemp, so I there should be 5 or more, five finger bags going out. The problem with five finger bags are the numbers can't be erased until all five cigars from that bag are gone. For example if bag A contained 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and reached me with only 17 remaining, that leaves four slots unable to be filled with out serious realignment. It was something that I never thought of before the pass reached me, but you run the risk of having a majority of the bags containing 1 or 2 sticks.

I will PM the next person I line and make sure info is correct. I will have this shipped out on Sat.

3. Put 56 Padron 2000 Maduro has some damage near the cap, nothing major. I noticed it so I figured I would report it. I looked, and can't believe it, but I am out of 2000 maddies :0

If there is a problem with #56, the Padron 2000 Maduro, let me know and I will be happy to replace it with another one. Just let me know who to send it to.

I didn't notice any damage when I put it in but that's not to say it wasn't there.

Okay Puts and Takes are done. Bags have been added, I made a new master list up on Excel with cigars already took in Red. Columns are in place for new cigars as well as who put and took them. The original is still with the pass, but was getting a little marked up so hopeful the new one makes it easier to follow. When you take a cigar if you could either Highlight it or put a single line through it with your name in the apporiate column. I hope I didn't over step my bounds, but I am just really bored with my wife and child at the in-laws. This will go out on Sat.

I think updating the list to a user friendly replacement sounds great, nice p/t's btw.
Great job Breedy, I should have taken time to pick up more bags. Excellent job on the lists!
Okay this is back on the road. Dropped it off at the Post Office this AM.

DC # 0308 1400 0000 7025 7498
jnknzz This will probably land on Tuesday, but a monday landing is possible.
I'm set to receive! Working on the p/t's now and I'll have a list up tomorrow. Had 60 degree weather here yesterday, so I had to hit the golf course!

First p/t questions...

#34. Perdomo Reserve Sungrown E - is this the "champagne" Perdomo Reserve? Not the cameroon?

#8. Beck Buckaroo - Had a little trouble tracking these down. MSRP is $140 but the only 2 places I could find it were Big6 at $110 and H&H at $61. Is it best to try to match with something at H&H, or average MSRP and the 2 retail prices? I was trying to avoid the "sale price" at H&H, but I can pair a good p/t from them.

And for most of the p/t's, I've been using my "big 3." (CI, Famous, Holts) Sometimes, I have to refer back to cigarcyclopedia. Since those same 3 retailers usually have the same lowest prices, should I average in any other retailer's prices? It seems like I just keep using the lowest going prices available. I guess what I'm asking is: since my p/t's work at these 3 retailers, should I stick with those? If I go to a different retailer, those same p/t's are way off. Using those 3 are much easier since I know them like the back of my hand. :rolleyes: This wasn't as hard in a previous pass, but then again, I've got a couple more puts & takes.

Thanks for the help, guys!

What I do, is use the same 3 retailers, find the cheapest price per stick. Either by single, 5er or box.
I am not keen on averaging. Too much math.
Perdomo Reserve Sungrown isn't the "Champagne", which is a mild conn shade cigar - it's the "cuban cafe" with a sungrown wrapper and full flavor profile. It may be no longer available (Perdomo has a new "Reserve" lineup this year; I wish I'd picked up more of the Sungrown and Cameroon when I had the chance), in which case my round-dollar estimate is $5.

Beck Buckaroo - use as a definitive reference. Don't bother with a 3rd party retailer; Cuban Crafters is the producer, distributor, and retailer.

Finally, I don't have a problem using the big 3, which are quite consistent, as long as you're using them for both put and take. You run into problems when you're using big 3 internet retailers for the take, but smaller/more expensive retailers to price out the put. And you're screwing yourself if you're doing vice versa.