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You know I didn't know how much, but sometimes a simple smiley face can help cheer a guy up.


Looks like there is still some top shelf goodies in there to me my friend. :D

Horse, according to UPS, that puppy was supposed to reach you today man.....so Uh, have you seen her, tell me have you seen her? :D

OK, I promise not to sing any more golden oldies :lookup:
Nope. Got Matt's CPCRC #2 today. But no UPS nor a notice that a neighbor has it. :(

PB, I WILL let you know.
Hopefully tomorrow

Aug 30, 2002 4:49 P.M. MESQUITE, TX, US ARRIVAL SCAN
I guess they took Saturday off :angry:

Ahh that happens.
Life goes on..

SO how was your seekend?
Mine was allright. I had a decent cigar last night, while digging for it I realized my box is damn near empty. Not all the way to the bottom but close enough. Hmm..

Finances are sucky and now a low box Grrrr. Ahh again no biggie.
I was nice to do NOTHING on monday.
(The wife says you like just doing nothing dont you?)
I simply grinned and replied I am sure I wouldn't like hanging out at the house if I stayed home every day.

My wife veiws a day off for me as a chance to hike 220 miles and explore some area of the county that doesn't need exploration.
She cant fathom the Idea of a Day Off meaning exactly that. Day Off.
Other than a little yard-work...my weekend constisted of eat-smoke-nap (repeat)
Sounds like a heck of a weekend there Mark. I envy that one, a little.

Hey man, whenever we get together for this handoff and little Mini Herf, my brother, the LuckyDawg says he might like to be present for the Herfin, and TommyRox was talkin about being there too if we decide on Grapevine. So the handoff come Mini Herf is startin to sound not so Mini afterall, if you are up for it?
Sounds great PB, the shop tends to close early during the week though. There's a fine restaraunt next door though that's cigar friendly. I might be convinced to hoist a schooner or 2 Wed 8:30 if that's not too late for y'all. I've got rehearsal tonite.
Sounds great to me. Let's say that is it then and I will let the other guys know, I am sure LD will be there, Tommy on the other hand can be kindof tough to nail down :D Sounds great to me. I will be there!!! :p :D
Allofus has left the building! :sign: PB, we should see another guest tomorrow in Grapevine. ;)
Have fun you guys, getting together souns like a great idea. Wish I could be there.

As to your comment, now that I have found myself on my knees and begging to you.. horse? any chance of a magical CD sneaking into that there box?
I shall stand up now..

The comment I made was one of those off the cuff comments on a tough day..
You guys are too much!
I am sure I speak for each of us when I say to you Mike, that we wish you could be here to herf with us as well!! Someday my California Brother, One day when you least expect it! :D :0
hbooker said:
.. horse? any chance of a magical CD sneaking into that there box?
The cd's already in the box, I separated some potential takes last night..er more like this mornin when I got in. Gotta rummage thru my stash to decide puts tonite.
It may be a tough vissual but the CD in the box makes this guy quite happy.
10 Zino mouton-Cadet #8
18 RyJ Beli isom
29 PAM
53 LGC DC Maddie

56 ERDM Choix Supreme '98 isom
57 AF Anejo Shark
58 La Unica Cameroon Torp #1
59 Avo XO Maest
60 AF Don Carlos #3
61 Avo XO Preludio Tubo
62 Vegas Robania Famosos isom

Thanks for lettin me play Mike..Now it's off to meet up with PB, Allofus, LD and we'll see who else. :)

ps..it looked simpler than it is ;)
Man you are so.. good to me.
Today is a great day. At least that how I feel now!!