SoCal || Tatuaje Event with UFC

I think I'm passin' on this one. No money to buy a box, and a buddy might be coming into town... :rolleyes: You kids have fun.


Between you, BTB and I we should be able to get a box :D

Hey Geoff, this thing starts at 7:00PM??? Damn! By the time I get there I'll have to turn around and head home.

I'm still coming down but I'll be there around 5:00.


Good, I won't be the only one there that early.

The Redlands crew should be there around 5 - 5:30

Oh, Times are little tough for me, since x-mas spending was crazy this year. I think I'm going to have to rethink this event. Maybe next time. :rolleyes: , Have fun, drive safe.
I think I'm passin' on this one. No money to buy a box, and a buddy might be coming into town... :rolleyes: You kids have fun.


Between you, BTB and I we should be able to get a box :D

Hey Geoff, this thing starts at 7:00PM??? Damn! By the time I get there I'll have to turn around and head home.

I'm still coming down but I'll be there around 5:00.


Good, I won't be the only one there that early.

The Redlands crew should be there around 5 - 5:30

Oh, Times are little tough for me, since x-mas spending was crazy this year. I think I'm going to have to rethink this event. Maybe next time. :rolleyes: , Have fun, drive safe.

If you wouldn't have bought that $7k s*x doll :love: , you wouldn't be broke.
Sweet, I'll know who all the CPers because we'll be the only ones that show up early, lol.
Ok, maybe not, but again, ya can't miss the bald Marine walkin' around.
You early birds will be just fine. Pete said he is going to be there at 5 so you will be able to shoot the shit for awhile if you have to leave early.

Just got a call from a fellow Marine that I told about the event. He'll be coming as well.
I guess this'll be my one CP herf before I leave for Hawaii.
I'll be there early as well, probably around 5 or so.
Looks like I'll have to get there early too or you guys will hog up all the good seats! :angry:
Anyone getting there at starting time? Looks like the wife will not get home until around 6:30 which will put me there about 7:30 at the earliest.

Hope some of you are still there.
Anyone getting there at starting time? Looks like the wife will not get home until around 6:30 which will put me there about 7:30 at the earliest.

Hope some of you are still there.

I'm getting there early, but I'm probably staying to the end of the fights, so I'll see you there. I'm guessing most people will still be there at 7:30, they're just not staying till the end.
Anyone getting there at starting time? Looks like the wife will not get home until around 6:30 which will put me there about 7:30 at the earliest.

Hope some of you are still there.
I'll be there until the end singing Fight On! :cool:
I think I'm passin' on this one. No money to buy a box, and a buddy might be coming into town... :rolleyes: You kids have fun.
I'm fairly certain box purchases aren't required to attend, jerk! Bring the friend, we'll show 'em a good time. :thumbs:
Geoff - thanks again for hosting another fine event. Wish I could have stayed longer, but I had another commitment I had to attend.

Great meeting everyone else!

Kumar - Great meeting you as well. Looking forward to setting up a herf at the Wig Wam. :)