Are you guys going to hook up the video feed? That would be pretty cool.
Right on Rod. The last one was pretty cool. Not the same as being there but definately cool.Are you guys going to hook up the video feed? That would be pretty cool.
Not this time, maybe we can do another virtual CP herf at Geoffs in '09.
Are you prepared to wear an SC jersey?If my wife can get off work early I will be there. Hope she can this time because I am looking forward to seeing everyone.
Are you prepared to wear an SC jersey?If my wife can get off work early I will be there. Hope she can this time because I am looking forward to seeing everyone.
I think I'm passin' on this one. No money to buy a box, and a buddy might be coming into town... You kids have fun.
I think I'm passin' on this one. No money to buy a box, and a buddy might be coming into town... You kids have fun.
I think I'm passin' on this one. No money to buy a box, and a buddy might be coming into town... You kids have fun.
Between you, BTB and I we should be able to get a box
Hey Geoff, this thing starts at 7:00PM??? Damn! By the time I get there I'll have to turn around and head home.
I'm still coming down but I'll be there around 5:00.
I think I'm passin' on this one. No money to buy a box, and a buddy might be coming into town... You kids have fun.
Between you, BTB and I we should be able to get a box
Hey Geoff, this thing starts at 7:00PM??? Damn! By the time I get there I'll have to turn around and head home.
I'm still coming down but I'll be there around 5:00.
Good, I won't be the only one there that early.