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Should Leebo be CP’s official "Leader"?

Should Leebo be the "Leader" in deciding who should be here and who should not?

  • Yes. If he says a person is "finished" on CP, then he is!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe. I sometimes agree with Lee’s views so it might be okay.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Probably not. There should be no official "Leader" here on CP.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. I disagree with Leebo on just about every topic.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dunno. I have not reached an opinion on this subject.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No Comment. I ain’t touching this poll.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I don't believe it's that people hate LTC, rather, the site consists of too many members who are in no way stand up BOTL's. We all watched the extreme moderating take place, and it was a joke. It takes time to learn how to run a community, and is not learned over night. The most important thing to moderating is knowing when not to moderate.

Again, I doubt people are upset with you because you joined another forum, it's more the idea of why associate with liars, cheats and moochers. Moderating such a group makes you a leader of the site, whether you like it or not. By being a leader of such a group, you become categorized as the type of group you lead (liars, cheats and moochers). Why risk your integrity of being a BOTL?

If I went and became a moderator of a KKK forum, well, I think you know where I'm going with this...

IMO this poll is a joke.

PM of CP
Rod said:
I don't believe it's that people hate LTC, rather, the site consists of too many members who are in no way stand up BOTL's. We all watched the extreme moderating take place, and it was a joke. It takes time to learn how to run a community, and is not learned over night. The most important thing to moderating is knowing when not to moderate.

Again, I doubt people are upset with you because you joined another forum, it's more the idea of why associate with liars, cheats and moochers. Moderating such a group makes you a leader of the site, whether you like it or not. By being a leader of such a group, you become categorized as the type of group you lead (liars, cheats and moochers). Why risk your integrity of being a BOTL?

If I went and became a moderator of a KKK forum, well, I think you know where I'm going with this...

IMO this poll is a joke.

PM of CP
Well... at least he ain't cranky...

SamClemmons said:
There are exceptions though like MattR who nodody pays any attention to,

I'm just here for the homo jokes and free cigars... now, carry on peter-puffers.....
I think Rod knows me well enough to know what my intentions are around here..

Thanks Rod!

And as far as this whole thread, it's really shown me the following:

1. There are those of us who don't mind speaking out against someone who needs calling out.

2. There are those that this bothers, obviously Steve is bothered by what I do on here.

3. I really couldn't give a flying **** what Steve or any other moron who starts up threads like these thinks of me, period!

4. Cliff's girlfriend is fiesty too!!

5. If I met most of these turkeys in person, I would probably herf with them and all would be fine.

So Steve, I hope you see that this little experiment is worthless. You can say whatever you want in chat about why you started it, but you and I know why... ;)
:0 Quick Cam make another post!

Group: Members
Posts: 666
Joined: 27-April 04
From: The Motor City
Member No.: 1067
Leebo8-9-8 said:
wah wah wah blah blah blah

5. If I met most of these turkeys in person, I would probably herf with them and all would be fine.

Best point evar (sic)
Lumpy, I've come to the frightening conclusion that you're not all there....LOL
SFG75 said:
SamClemmons said:
Dead on Bill. Absolutely dead center. This is probably your most insightful and lucid post ever so I'm thinking it was purely accidental on your part. Scott's entire rant struck me as completely disingenuous (sp), remorseless and confrontational. Ass and greasepaint indeed.
ltc is now the second board he's betrayed. Anybody else see a pattern here?



I apologized with how I disagree, not with disagreeing in general. And yes, I'm not the most proud of stuff I posted in LTC chat, but as was pointed out-you guys don't go there to just make small talk. It's amusing really, you guys go on and on about how the site sucks-yet, you just can't seem to leave the place. :whistling: This whole matter still boils down to this--you guys can't live with the fact that someone visits another board you don't like. If anyone crossed me as a moderator, they didn't have to post in the first place. If anyone from CP got in trouble with me, it was of their own doing-period.

Quite frankly-one of you guys should apologize for calling these other guys "two-bit" players. It's amusing to me that Mephiston made his post, especially after you guys knocked the "holy grail" concept and said he had no idea what it was on CS. I went-your turn now :cool: As far as I see it, 12+5=17. Sounds like you guys have some mending of fences to do yourselves.

I dont have anything against sfg at all.And i could really care less if he hangs out at clan sights or wicca or demonic for that matter. who cares and whos business is it...HIS. If he rocks on you at another sight thats between the two of you.
As far as talking about me behind my back you all know i'm fairly new to cigars but if you are childish enough to say things about someone when they cannot defend themselves F*c^ off. I am here to try and make friends with some people and get some great cigars both have happened. :thumbs:
Leebo8-9-8 said:

And as far as this whole thread, it's really shown me the following:

1. There are those of us who don't mind speaking out against someone who needs calling out.



I'm glad you posted this Lee, cuz I feel the same way.

To all the BOTLs here on CP:

I know most of you have probably asked “why the hell would this guy post a poll like this?” Well, that’s a question I’ve been asking myself for the last two days. I wasn’t drunk, I wasn’t pissed, I wasn’t trying to gain respect and I wasn’t trying to say “Lee’s a complete ass”. I think what it really comes down to is that I was (and still am) frustrated with the lack of tolerance that I’ve observed on this site, and particularly from Lee.

Lee is 100% correct to call out anyone who is a thief, a scammer, or who seeks to do no good on this board. I applaud him for those efforts and hope he keeps it up.

Unfortunately, his actions aren’t always limited to these folks. He seems to enjoy confrontation and (to me anyway) he seems to actively look for reasons to call people out and berate them, usually for “offenses” where he feels slighted or when someone does not share one of his opinions. Please keep in mind – this is my opinion, based on my observations of, and experiences with, Lee. You may agree or disagree with me. You may think I’ve got my head up my ass (and sometimes you’d be right). But that is my opinion and I’m standing by it.

The bottom line is I felt that Lee needed a reality check – hell, I still do. And that’s the reason for the poll.
Fair enough Steve. There is much more in regards to my dealings with Scott that you aren't aware of.

So we'll agree to disagree..... ;)
Sorry Steve, I disagree with you as well. As far as "lack of tolerance" the problem with many other sites is they tolerate way too much in the way of:
Mods who don't know how to moderate
People who don't keep their word

You may chose to "tolerate" crap like that but a majority of the long time members of this site do not. And yes, it's a little unpleasant when the trash gets taken out but life ain't always a bowl of peaches and cream.

I disagree 100% with your observations, Lee doesn't "call out" someone for no reason. As a matter of fact, I cannot remember a time when he was out of line for doing so (no wait, I remember sometime last fall I thought he was being a little tough on someone, I told him so but it turned out he was 100% correct and I was wrong if defending whoever the clown was).

I would very much appreciate you posting examples of threads to support your claim:
He seems to enjoy confrontation and (to me anyway) he seems to actively look for reasons to call people out and berate them, usually for “offenses” where he feels slighted or when someone does not share one of his opinions.
because honestly, I think you'd be extremely hard pressed to find one.

I also think it's extremely unfair of you to post opinions like this with no evidence to support them other than what things "seem" to you.

Lee doesn't need any kind of "reality check" with all due respect sir YOU are the one who needs a reality check ;)
Leebo8-9-8 said:
Fair enough Steve. There is much more in regards to my dealings with Scott that you are aware of.

So we'll agree to disagree..... ;)

100% correct. If you had been following Scott's behavior and berating of people on the letstalkcigars site Steve, you'd see what we mean. If you'd been the recipient of his nasty-assed PM's and emails, you'd also see what we're talking about.

Since the losers at LTC aka "The Island of the Misfit Toys" have chosen to make their pathetic excuse for a cigar board private now thus making it impossible for you to review Scott's behavior, you're just going to have to take our word for it. ;)

And YES, how he treats others (in particular members of this site) on other sites is extremely relevant to how he's viewed here.

He's done here.....
And to be such a looser as to come up with a stupid ass poll as this. Perhaps you , looser newbie, are the one that needs the reality check. Polls like this just show the true carachter of the looser that posts it. If you want some credability perhaps you should actually make a logicall, respectful, fact filled, evidence suported post rather then just a stupid poll hoping others will join in and do your work for you.
Matt R said:
gibu.. repeat after me...loser,loser,loser......

Don't worry about Matt, gibu... at least you spelled "Go Cats" correctly. :thumbs:

(This is a joke, btw.)
stevehawk said:
Leebo8-9-8 said:

And as far as this whole thread, it's really shown me the following:

1. There are those of us who don't mind speaking out against someone who needs calling out.



I'm glad you posted this Lee, cuz I feel the same way.

To all the BOTLs here on CP:

I know most of you have probably asked “why the hell would this guy post a poll like this?” Well, that’s a question I’ve been asking myself for the last two days. I wasn’t drunk, I wasn’t pissed, I wasn’t trying to gain respect and I wasn’t trying to say “Lee’s a complete ass”. I think what it really comes down to is that I was (and still am) frustrated with the lack of tolerance that I’ve observed on this site, and particularly from Lee.

Lee is 100% correct to call out anyone who is a thief, a scammer, or who seeks to do no good on this board. I applaud him for those efforts and hope he keeps it up.

Unfortunately, his actions aren’t always limited to these folks. He seems to enjoy confrontation and (to me anyway) he seems to actively look for reasons to call people out and berate them, usually for “offenses” where he feels slighted or when someone does not share one of his opinions. Please keep in mind – this is my opinion, based on my observations of, and experiences with, Lee. You may agree or disagree with me. You may think I’ve got my head up my ass (and sometimes you’d be right). But that is my opinion and I’m standing by it.

The bottom line is I felt that Lee needed a reality check – hell, I still do. And that’s the reason for the poll.

Ya know Mr. Shawk, maybe CP just isn't a good fit for you. There are other boards than this and I'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to them. I should tell you though, Lee is a well respected member on several of them so you'll need to choose carefully. The only ones he is not a respected member on are the ones where he doesn't participate, hence, a non-rep... not a bad rep. You've made a pretty serious error in judgement here and it only remains to be seen whether it is a terminal one.
Lee is not terribly fond of confrontation and drama so your accusations which are unfounded and unsupported at this point come as a surprise to many here. I, on the other hand, am particularly fond of matching wits with petulant malcontents and wish to offer myself up as a worthy target of your displeasure. Should you so choose I will make myself available at your convenience.

In summary I feel it is necessary to say two things, the first being marginally redundant.

If you don't like it at CP you are welcome to leave.

We need Leebo here one heck of a lot more than we need you.

I appreciate your time and look forward to further discourse with you.
