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SHOCKING experience

Unbelievable!! That's one hell of an ordeal you went through. Glad to hear you're okay and doing better! :thumbs:
That's incredible! Welcome back! ;)
Way to go man. Be glad I did not happen along to help with the CPR. I've done it several times...With no positive result.

Get well soon. :thumbs:
Friggin undead - always showing off!


Seriously though, glad you haven't had your last stogie just yet ;)
Man being back after no heartbeat for 3 min that is like a miracle.

Hope you recover soon. :thumbs:
Wow! What a story! Glad your OK!
You could be a Twilight Zone episode.
Anything to report from "the other side"??? ???
OMG!! :0

I am glad you are okay and still with us! Take care of yourself.

There's a good message for all of us in this... enjoy life while you can. Be happy, love your family and friends, and minimize possible regrets!
Holy Crap! :0

Thank God everything came together to save yer ugly butt! ;)

Recover well... you deserve a rest
Holy Cow man glad youre doing OK!!!!

I got a new avatar for ya

(oh yeah get that insurance too)



"S" for Shaun, how nice. :p :D :thumbs:

Wow! What a story! Glad your OK!
You could be a Twilight Zone episode.
Anything to report from "the other side"??? ???

My leader from the dark side said not to speak to strangers about my encounter, but really I don't remeber anything. Wish I did, never saw the light. Took a ladder to Heaven, they didn't want me. Dropped down to Hell, and they were afraid I would take over.

Holy Crap.... glad to hear you are feeling OK.... good thing that Paramedic was around.

One day hopefully we can get together and have a smoke.... exchange some "war" stories

Will do, my wife want to come to NY to do some shopping soon. Maybe after a little check arrives. :laugh:
Holy Crap! Man, glad you are OK. 3 mins? That's nuts.

Light a good one and enjoy (once the muscles and ribs stop aching from the compressions and the currents)!
Holy Crap! Man, glad you are OK. 3 mins? That's nuts.

Light a good one and enjoy (once the muscles and ribs stop aching from the compressions and the currents)!

My chest feels like I was hit by a baseball bat, arms and calfs are tense as rubberbands. When I saw this my wife just tells me, "Do you realize you were dead, stop complaining."

So yes I am going to wait a while until things get back to normal before lighting up a super dog rocket.
When I saw this my wife just tells me, "Do you realize you were dead, stop complaining."

That is so EXACTLY what my wife would tell me.
We went camping this weekend, and I got bit by something (looks to be a spider bite) and my foot is swollen up to the point that it was tough to put on my shoe. Her response: "If it was a black widow, it would hurt more, and if it was a brown recluse, you'd have necrotic flesh...don't be a wuss." Man...I should never have told her all I learned from the discovery channel.

After reading your post, though, hell, give me some spider bites.
sheet! you are one lucky son-of-a-b!
good luck and speedy recovery.
Wow. Stories like that don't normally end well...especially after 3 minutes! Thank God for early defibrillation. Hope you are back up to par soon. Somebody was watching out for you! :thumbs:
Wow. Stories like that don't normally end well...especially after 3 minutes! Thank God for early defibrillation. Hope you are back up to par soon. Somebody was watching out for you! :thumbs:

Glad the people in your signature were not giving me CPR, they would have ripped my head off. ;)
You're like Bruce Willis in Unbreakable!

Take care of yourself man, let's hope there are no more accidents to speak of!
I saw that article, didn’t know it was you. Glad to hear your all right.