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Search is Your Friend Newb (5th Anni Contest)

Well, I've searched as much as I could today. I've tried seraching some of these any way I could think of, and Im still
not sure on some of 'em. My hat's off to you 'sims... damn good contest. I'm watching my son the rest of the night
so I'll have to hang it up for now... If no one comes through by tomorrow, I'll give 'er another shot!
2) I’m going out on a limb with this one: Dark Day Lord’09
    would also be technically your 1st ‘herf’
4)Denverdog, Alextgp, Sac, IBQTEE1
5)longest time on mechanical bull
6)Aleutian Islands, Alaska
8)Sar127("grow a pair") Mar '12
9)jfields to Swissy & Avb
11)Infinity, Jonesy
12)Pembroke Rule: "if you say you’re leaving CP, then your account will be banned permanently"
-as per Rod, Aug ‘10

I think I might be on track with this one:
1) Souldog24ca

2) Lucasbuck

3) CAO Black

4) Denverdog, Alexgtp, Sac, IBQTEE1

5) Longest time on the bull

6) Aleutian Islands, Alaska

7) Jonesy

8) Sar127

9) jfields to Swissy (& AVB)

10) Jonesy

11)Infinity, Jonesy

12) If you say you're leaving CP, then you stay gone. (Pembroke3355-banned)
Ok, 'sims', can I ask you to clarify something? Question # 3, original post: "What is one of Ray's top smokes?" Then on the subsequent post, the one that gave a few hints and added questions 11 & 12:  Hint # 4: " I used favorite as an equivalent to best ever, not the best choice of words. This is also bomb related."
Are these refferring to the same thing/question?. This has confused me. No where in any question is the word "favorite" used, but question #3 is the closest to that, so I just wanted some clarification, if that's even allowed? I think I have the answer to that question, but only if they are referring to the same question. Hope this makes sense?
Sweet! One away...give it another go later. Btw, that reference to #1's awesome trade was an amazing thing he did! May he R.I.P.
I have to say that I am surprised that only 3 of us newbs have participated in this contest, even though that betters my odds. 2K6TBSS was also generous enough to offer free sticks to newbies with only having to post that you want in for the random drawing. 10 names in that one so far.....
Ok, well with that in mind... I think I have it:
3)Punch 1956
5)Longest time on the bull
6)Aleutian Islands, Alsaka
9)jfields to swissy & AVB
12)Pembroke rule: "if you say you're leaving CP, your account will be permanently banned". per Rod Aug'10
You have 11 correct as well Drock.
Since the two of you are struggling over the same question, I'll give you guys two options. 1) I can toss out another key word to help you find the answer and you two can race for it, or 2) We can declare it a draw and I'll send each of you a 3-5 cigars. Let me know which you prefer. It will be between the two of you as no one else has put forth any effort and you two have done the work.
AshesTwoAshes said:
Sweet! One away...give it another go later. Btw, that reference to #1's awesome trade was an amazing thing he did! May he R.I.P.
#1 was an awesome man altogether. He was the most generous and giving man I've ever known.

He was a true testament as to what a BoTL was and it can only do good things for those of you that didn't know Brian, to read about the things he did and about the person he was.

That's why I'll always be honored to be known as #2 since he dubbed me that.
Jonesy said:
Sweet! One away...give it another go later. Btw, that reference to #1's awesome trade was an amazing thing he did! May he R.I.P.
#1 was an awesome man altogether. He was the most generous and giving man I've ever known.

He was a true testament as to what a BoTL was and it can only do good things for those of you that didn't know Brian, to read about the things he did and about the person he was.

That's why I'll always be honored to be known as #2 since he dubbed me that.
I read a lot yesterday and today about Infinty(Brian), and I got to tell you, I'm deeply sorry I never met the man. When an online forum has a farewell thread when you
pass, and a Bday herf after you've passed on to the great beyond... you know you've mad an impact!!
I was thinking, "now this is how you handle yourself"... total class, complete intergrity, the man was a man of his word.
In a community like CP, where trust is everything, if one wants to follow an example, Infinity's is certainly the one. In my short time here,
 watching the boards, participating, and after reading thru lots of pages for this particular contest,
I've seen the way this community moderates itself and takes care of on another, and it's pretty cool.
I orginally joined CP thinking I was here to gain some knowledge about different cigars, and maybe to do some buying & trading, but
after reading over the forum these past few days & weeks, I realize I have an opportunity to be a part of a bigger online
community of  BOTL & SOTL that can lead to friendships and good times I wouldn't have thought about 3-4 months ago.
I'm really glad I found CP.
             Just my thoughts,
Smokin'Sims said:
You have 11 correct as well Drock.
Since the two of you are struggling over the same question, I'll give you guys two options. 1) I can toss out another key word to help you find the answer and you two can race for it, or 2) We can declare it a draw and I'll send each of you a 3-5 cigars. Let me know which you prefer. It will be between the two of you as no one else has put forth any effort and you two have done the work.
Thanks for the offer. I'm cool with it either way? It was a lot of fun to participate, and I'm just glad to be a part of this community, and eventually get into some
passes,/B/S/T, PIF, Herfs... and the friendships and good times that await. To be perfectly honest, Ashes has made more of a dent
on some of these then me. I've searched high and low for some of these, to no avail. :p I will gladly do whatever he wants to do. In my eyes, he's
got the edge.
                           I def appreciate the generous offer, and would like to know the answer to #3. I just can't seem
                        to find it, but like you said, maybe the last hint will make it easier? :)
                                       Thanks for the contest 'Sims'
Fight it out! You both have done a great job and dug up a lot of great info of CP's past. Great job

Don't let them off the hook.  Crack the whip on these guys.  Make them finish the contest.    
Heh! This has been pretty cool to follow........... Nice contest James! :cool:
First one to eat a habanero pepper takes it !  :laugh:
Great job by all that participated ! Excellent research and effort. Both winners in my book...
:D Smokin'Sims, I'm fine either way. I had fun & learned some things.

p.s. This is why I thought I had #3, which was a thread about CAO Black that AVB replied:
Posted 27 April 2005 - 06:55 AM
"You can find a 5er on Cbid fairly regularly. They are one of my favorite smokes."
Oh...and if you decide to call it a draw I'd like to throw out 2 other guesses before you reveal the actual answer, if that's alright, just to see.
We'll make you fight it out.
He has probably said it about several, but I have one specific cigar in mind. It also has a great story to go with it. The war story is what I'd like you to read to find the answer.