It's a complicated issue. If the individual writes the check to the party putting on the event there is no charitable intent as you are paying for the right to attend. It becomes a pass through and the person writing the actual check to the organization gets the charitable event. IRS publication 1771 covers it in general. There are multiple provisions in the tax code that covers events and charitable contributions.
Charlie is doing it correctly, having each individual write the check to the actual charity.
Aristocrat Mini w/ Digital Set & Forget - Staebell & Associates
Bill, right now we have roughly 150 guests attending along with another 10 folks from West Point - Wounded Warriors, WTU Commander, First Sergeant, Director and some staff folks. At the end of it all, I'm sure that we'll have 160 folks at the QSH which includes cigar reps and VIPs.......:thumbs:
Bill, right now we have roughly 150 guests attending along with another 10 folks from West Point - Wounded Warriors, WTU Commander, First Sergeant, Director and some staff folks. At the end of it all, I'm sure that we'll have 160 folks at the QSH which includes cigar reps and VIPs.......:thumbs:
Wow, 160 guests. Are we all going to fit in that tent?
Bill, right now we have roughly 150 guests attending along with another 10 folks from West Point - Wounded Warriors, WTU Commander, First Sergeant, Director and some staff folks. At the end of it all, I'm sure that we'll have 160 folks at the QSH which includes cigar reps and VIPs.......:thumbs:
Bill, thanks to you for your VERY beautiful ashtray. Another tremendous donation for this great cause.
The works that you produce are nothing short of miraculous.
How the hell do you do that????
Bill, right now we have roughly 150 guests attending along with another 10 folks from West Point - Wounded Warriors, WTU Commander, First Sergeant, Director and some staff folks. At the end of it all, I'm sure that we'll have 160 folks at the QSH which includes cigar reps and VIPs.......:thumbs:
Charlie...does Glenna know the count?
Will she be having a bartender and staff set we might order apps. untill dinner?
Stogie- The Outlaw will be sending a package out today for the herf.
Humidor and a Tour-Pack along with some 2009 calenders.
Yes Gary, I sat down with her and Niel and last Saurday and we worked out all of that. I'll see her again tomorrow evening as well as Saturday morning and verify it all with her. I already talked with the chef and he's all set as well...... :thumbs: