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Puro Sabor 2025

I'm wondering if that's a 120v tickle you shower, or a 240v send the body bag one. I can't get the vision out of my 🧠 of Jon reaching up, wondering "what's this wire for?" and ⚡️ shooting out of his junk trying to find a good ground.
Jon's junk shooting out lighting wasn't on my bingo card today, but here we are...
Last night was the White Party. It was incredible. Pictures could not capture the experience but I tried. Everyone dressed in white really makes an impression.

After the White Party many went out to the bars and I have no idea what time I got back but I can feel that it wasn’t early!
This morning (no power. Cold shower, hungover AF) we went to Joya de Nicaragua for a tour and Steve Saka joined us. The Joya factory tour was amazing! The son of Dr Cuenca lead the tour with Steve interjecting to add to the information. I thought that I’d be bored given that this was the 4th factory tour in 3 days but it was fantastic! (All were great in their own way). It ended with us making a blend. I’ll find out how it went soon. IMG_5526.jpegIMG_5527.jpegIMG_5533.jpegIMG_5535.jpeg
Because you can only upload 10 photos per post, this is Part 2.
First, this is what Canada’s packaging looks like. IMG_5536.jpegIMG_5537.jpeg

Here is what awaited us at the blending portion of the tour. We each will get 10 cigars of our blend. IMG_5538.jpegIMG_5539.jpegIMG_5540.jpeg

Look at the difference in soils from the different regions

Lunch is at an AJ Fernandez farm. From my vantage point, it’s AJ fields as far as the eye can see. The curing barns are massive! Maybe 3 football fields long.
If you zoom into the photo below, there are 4 barns in the distance.
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Don Pepin and George Padron, with Mrs Padron in the background.
Don Pepin and Mrs Pepin.
AJ Fernandez on the right.
IMG_5552.jpegLast night was the closing Gala. All the tobacco elite.royally were there. They brought their families and were all dressed incredibly. The younger generation of tobacco people were really going all out in their dressed and suits.


The dinner was at the Real Esteli stadium. The food while always good was turkey, steak and various versions of veggies and rice (The rice that I’ve had on this trip has been amazing).

After the Gala was over people found places all around the hotels to smoke one more cigar and finish off the bottles of rum, scotch or tequila that had and then pack for the morning ride to the airport.

And now as I’m writing this on the bus ride back to Managua, the trip has come to a close.
Having had a few hours for reflection, here are my initial thoughts and impressions on this Puro Sabor trip.

TSA Precheck is 100%worth it. It’s something like $80 and good for 5 years. I’m not sure who needs to hear this but if you don’t have it, get it.
Mobile Passport Control is a free app that you can download and it speeds up C&I on the way back in. Download it and use it if possible (they have a list of Entry Points that it can be used at in the US).
It takes $10 to enter Nicaragua so have that in cash. There is no exit fee.
The Best Western across from the Managua airport is a great hotel and worth staying at if you need a hotel or come in early. Honestly it was the best hotel I stayed in at Nicaragua.
Don’t bother trying to convert cash to Cordobas, just bring small bills ($1-$20’s). This is a cash based society so it’s a good idea to bring a few hundred with you. The internet is spotty and some shop’s card systems may not work because of that. I’d suggest starting with $400. There are banks and ATMs so you can always get more.
36 Cordobas to a dollar.
There are plenty of pharmacies and shops to buy toiletries or OTC meds but you’d be well advised to bring some Imodium and perhaps even tell your PCP of your trip and ask if they can give you any Rx’s to address and traveler illnesses.

Puro Sabor
The team that did the event planning and herding of attendees did an amazing job. I can’t say enough about their communication, hospitality and knowledge of Nicaragua. You end up having the same driver and tour guide for the week based upon your group number. Bring some cash to tip them. I gave $15-20 each.
Speaking of tipping, while this is all-inclusive to a degree, your experience will get elevated is you slip a few bucks here and there to your guides and servers. FYI, Tipping up front has its benefits.
There were 8 tour groups with each group having 3 prearranged farm/factory tours. I put pictures of the itinerary and tour group’s below for reference. However, you are in a 3rd world country and Esteli, while a large city by Nicaraguan standards, you should expect some deviations from the initial itinerary. All of those changes, though, were well communicated through out the group and no one was left behind.
This was an Adventure, not an all-inclusive resort in some Caribbean island or a Vicking Cruise through Europe. I went most of the week without a hot shower. We lost power in our hotel twice. A few people got “travelers tummy”. Just know that you should expect some changes but the PuroSabor team handled the pivots extremely well so don’t worry about going if that is a worry of yours.
This trip had some cultural aspects which were very cool and then moved to cigar-centered activities. From what I have heard from folks who have gone to Pro Cigar in the DR, PuroSabor is more educational where as Pro Cigar is more of parties. My head hurts with all of the knowledge that we were given. I visited Padron, Villiger, Roma Craft and Joya de Nicaragua and I thought that if you see one rolling table, that you have seen them all but that is not the case. Each factory did the process differently. I learned new stuff from each tour. Its kind of the analogy of every one makes pasta sauce but everyone has their own way of doing it.
Bring something for the White Party and the gala. You can get by with a dinner jacked for the gala and a white collared shirt for the White Party. I wore the same outfit for both and fit in well enough but a lot of attendees stepped up their game for the gala. (Frankly though, no one really cared at that point in the week).
I estimate that I was given 100 cigars over the course of the week. Everywhere I went I was being given something. It’s worth bringing a large suitcase, mostly empty, to take back all the souvenirs. But you can also buy a luggage bag here for cheap and check that for the flight home. Some people even left some of their clothes to make room. So pack with alll of that in mind.
All food, alcohol (Tona beer, Flor de Cana 12 & 18, Johnny Black label and then vodka, wine and hard seltzers) water, hotel reservations and transportation from Managua airport to all activities and back to Managua at the end of the trip, are included.

I 100% recommend you go at least once.
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This really sounds like a great adventure and is something I plan on treating myself too as soon as possible.
Your documentary of the trip really helped to seal this in my mind as a Must-Do.

Thank you for taking the time, effort and energy, to share so many details.

Awesome haul Jon!! This certainly looks like am amazing experience!
Aesome pics, trips, and that bag is fucking awesome. Thanks for all the additional info on the trip and proceedings as well
Today we traveled by from Grenada to Esteli. It took a few hours by bus and our first stop was the Victor Sinclair farm in San Isidro for lunch that was held in their curing barns. The bus ride was long (especially after last night’s party). Lunch was amazing- the roasted pork cannot be beat. We ate under rafters of curing tobacco leaves and then we boarded busses by tour group for our first farm/factory tour. My group, Group 5, went to Padron.
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This made me cringe ..... and then laugh out loud!
Wow Jon! What a great trip and what a great sharing of your adventure!

Thank you!
Looks amazing! Everything from the leather bag to the food to the tobacco... Wish my wife was more a fan of latin america and less of the EU. Would love to go to central america or cuba sometime.