Puppy Pass

Oh my dog was just jumping, until I told her we weren't in it. Maybe next time...
bthompson2875 said:
Great Idea. My English Springer Spaniels are not happy that we missed this pass, but theyll get over it!

Have fun all!

I've got a Springer as well. And a doberman.

I'd like to get in on the next one too, if possible.

Good idea man!
bfreebern said:
BlindedByScience said:
I told my dogs about this, and they are pretty excited..... :laugh:  They asked me to point out they are little bitty dogs, so a soupbone the size of my truck wouldn't be a good treat for them..... :p 

Good thing to make note of.

Ree, how big a boy is your dog :sign:


My lab is about 80 lbs. He can't wait to see what's coming for him. :D
BlindedByScience said:
I told my dogs about this, and they are pretty excited..... :laugh: They asked me to point out they are little bitty dogs, so a soupbone the size of my truck wouldn't be a good treat for them..... :p

Great idea, Swissy - very much looking forward to it.

Thanks - !!! - B.B.S.

YOu mean a cow leg would be too big for your little guys? I've got the perfect treat for them. What kind of breed are your dogs BBS?
We lost our lab mix right afterb Thanksgiving, but our 11 week old Australian Shepard/Beagle mix LOVES the smell of my cigars...I knew she was a good dog from the moment I laid eyes on her three weeks ago. She has asked that we be included in Puppy Pass 2.
ree ree robusto said:
BlindedByScience said:
I told my dogs about this, and they are pretty excited..... :laugh: They asked me to point out they are little bitty dogs, so a soupbone the size of my truck wouldn't be a good treat for them..... :p

Great idea, Swissy - very much looking forward to it.

Thanks - !!! - B.B.S.

YOu mean a cow leg would be too big for your little guys? I've got the perfect treat for them. What kind of breed are your dogs BBS?
A cow leg would be bigger than all the girls combined.... :p We've got two Chihuahua's (one "apple head" and one "doe head"), a Toy Poodle, and a Pom / American Eskimo mix. I'll get a "family picture" of the herd posted soon.... :laugh:

Best Regards - B.B.S.
I've got "twins" - like the Twins Danny Devito and Arnold Schwartenegger... Both are similarly colored (black and tan) Rotweiller/Boxer and Miniature Pinscher... I always get the "oh, isn't that cute - your big dog had a puppy..."
Speaking for Oscar, (my mini-Dachshund) he was very disappointed we didn't have a chance to contribute. I tried to explain to him maybe the next one. BTW, anyone hear about "greenies" being bad for dogs??? My Mom told me she read an article in Newsday about it. ???
ggiese said:
I've got "twins" - like the Twins Danny Devito and Arnold Schwartenegger... Both are similarly colored (black and tan) Rotweiller/Boxer and Miniature Pinscher... I always get the "oh, isn't that cute - your big dog had a puppy..."

Who in the hell could possibly look at your two dogs and think that the Rotty/Boxer gave birth to a Mini P.? Are they mostly blind? :0 :p Or just goofing?

That is a pretty funny combination, though. Especially if they get along. I love it when you get those mixes in a pack. Kind of like our Australian Shepherds and my Bichon Frise. Opposites, but man are they good buddies. :thumbs:
there may be a slight delay in the pass...

Volcano Blows its top

Guess who might be stuck with all flights canceled to Alaska!!!! I wish we´d be stuck in Mexico, but all bets will be in Seattle.

CRAP! :rolleyes:
Ok... made it home safe and sound - and better yet so did the tequila! :laugh:

Pass will be starting up ASAP... just need to make the labels, box 'er up and get it on the road.

George, you ready to receive??!?

EDIT: Pass is ready, and willing to start- but guess what? It's Martin Luther King day! Duhhh... no post office open to accept. So, due to the fact that I work tomorrow this pass will be starting officially on Wednesday morning!
smokelaw1 said:
....Australian Shepard/Beagle mix ....

:0 Now that is one crazy mix. ;)

Our Australian Shepherd, Sun Bear, is ~35 lbs and we got her as a rescue from the Australian Rescue & Placement Hotline (ARPH). http://www.aussierescue.org/

These guys do fantastic work rescuing and finding homes for Australain Shepherds.

Sun Bear is looking forward to trying some new treats and my wife and I will be making homemade dog treats for the pass this weekend. Every dog we have given them to LOVES them. :thumbs:
We have a pass!! This puppy is on the road (sorry... pun intended!)

Georgie... DC# 0103 8555 7495 7696 1832

Woohoo!!!! (or should that be Bark Bark!)
As we get under way, please remember...

I'm a virgin hoster! :laugh:

But I'd really like to hear what every thinks about the P/T's, how everyone's pup feels about the treats they get, and any other ideas y'all might have! I think the idea of informing the person passing to you what kinda dog you have is not a bad one... as B.B.S. put it...

BlindedByScience said:
...They asked me to point out they are little bitty dogs, so a soupbone the size of my truck wouldn't be a good treat for them.....
unless what you send would be suitable for all sizes/breeds. Kinda like what you're getting George! :laugh:

I'm suprised at how many people have asked to be in, other than those I PM'd at the beginning! I have been PM'd a few times... so if this goes well, and I don't lose what's left of the rest of my hair, look for Puppy Pass II later!

And awaaaaaaaaaaaay we go! (yipe.. ??? )
How'z about them P/T's... any ideas? I expect the box to arrive today (or Monday - damn the weekends! :laugh: )

Hope your pups are getting their taste buds in a lather... the foil pouch for them is my dogs absolute favorite treat... so much so that their word for treat is "Chummy" :p
I need to get more of them chummy's. My dog loved them last time you sent some. What are they made out of? Salmon, if I remember correctly? ???