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Puppy Pass III


This is Cali which is short for California. My wife named her when we rescued her from the animal shelter in Dayton, Ohio. She named her California because that is where we were from and she was feeling a bit home sick in the dead of winter when we got Cali. The cat also goes by Pookie Pie and Pukie Pie (during hairball summers).
This is buddy.... He is currently 14 yrs old and "so says the vet" is in tip-top shape. Although he is a grumpy ol' fart he is the twinkle of Jenn's eye. She had had him since he was a lil kitten. The name buddy was derived from the fact that when Jenn got him, he was nameles, and she called him her lil "buddy" until the name came to her. Well ever since then he has called him buddy.

The pic below is buddy shaved.. Buddy, is an angora / simese* mix and since he has gotten older has hairball / matting problems, so Jenn decided to get him shaved twice a year to help with this..

This picture is the first time he got shaved. OMFG he was a wreck, he came home and was in a grouchy mood for days, and hissed at himself in the mirror at the site of himself..


Here is a pic of him normally

This is Bogie. I don't even remember how the name was picked out for him. I think my wife called him that for reasons unknown, and it just sorta stuck. I believe he is a Chow/Shepard mix. I was out in the woods Spring Turkey hunting on my lease that I believe was somewhere around 2300/2500 acres. I had one of those days where the Gobblers were just not cooperating, and was just about to pack it up for morning. But something made me climb up to the top of a ridge to see if I could get anything to respond to my call. After calling out unsuccesfully for about five minutes, I started to hear the distinct sound of a dog whining below. When I followed the sound to investigate, I happened upon a very emanciated black mutt dog, that seemed really happy to see me. Someone had used a length of yellow cord to tie him to a tree, and had left him to die a most cruel death. In no way did I want a dog at the time, but I could not leave him there.

After taking this dog home, cleaning him up...................He quickly grew on my wife and I. I was used to having purebred Black Labs as my dogs. Never until this point, had I considered that a mutt dog could be just a great of a pet. This four month old (according to the vet) black fur ball really impressed me with his intelligence, and what I perceived to be gratitude for saving him. Well, fast foward to almost thirteen years later and I'll tell you about a dog that stands out as the best dog/friend you could ever ask for. He's getting old, slowing a bit, and starting to go blind. It makes me sad to think that I don't have more time with Bogie. I'll never forget the day that we found each other, and that I love him like a child.

In the picture I took with the cigar, he was totally pissed at me for trying to stick a foul cigar in his mouth and make him keep it in there for the sake of a picture.



Spelling edit.
Don't know the legality of posting two or more for this contest and don't recall if there was anything stated so...............

Just so all of you don't think I play with just my pussy...........this here is Big. Big is a 5 year old German Shepherd and got his name due to his size when he was a puppy, he was damn BIG. He now weighs 120 lbs. His Pappa is a member of the LAPD K-9 unit and Mamma is a working Shepherd on a farm in Germany. 1 Month after his arrival he decides to go hauling ass through the house into the back yard only the glass sliding door is closed.................the door lost and shattered as Big ran through it. He suffered a minor cut on the bridge of his nose and my wallet suffered the cost of the door.

If someone would have told me years ago that I'd "...own five little dogs..." I'd had said you're nuts. Time, however, would have proven them right.... :whistling:

A little over 12 years ago, we lost a beloved dog named Chelsea. The day we buried her is the day we went out, tears still in our eyes, and brought home Rosie (recent picture):


Now, at the time, she was about the smallest little dog I'd ever seen. For some reason, the AC/DC song "Whole lotta Rosie" kept popping up in my head and it made me chuckle; this was NOT a whole lot of anything...!! The name Rosie stuck on the little girl and that was that. About two weeks later, we got a phone call from a breeder we'd been in touch with and they told us that they had a little girl who'd been promised to someone else, who backed out. Did we want a little black female poodle? My wife wanted her really badly, and given that we both worked, I thought it would be a very good idea to have another dog in the house so they could keep each other company. Natasha is what my wife was calling her, even before she got here, so now we had two (recent picture):


Two dogs seemed like a reasonable number, even more so given their extra small size. About ten years ago, we moved into the house we live in today, which gave us lots more room. Not long after that, the wife showed up with a little hairball Pom / American Eskimo mix puppy which she'd named Isis. My wife collects Egyptian art, and Isis is a goddess in Egyptian mythology (recent picture):


Isis isn't the smartest or fastest but how she stands out is with how sweet this dog is. She'll be the first one to hop on the couch with you and put her head on your lap / shoulder. She's a wonderful lady and a real addition to the family.

Holy cow....three dogs! "Three dogs...!!" I'd say out loud to my wife. I should have known better.

We love all our girls, but the little chihuahua really made us smile. Chi's think they weigh 250 lbs and are always ready to kick ass. Something very endearing about a three pound "tough guy". Yet, they are sweet as can be to their owners and "regulars" in the house; not nippy or yappy at all. Very protective of the house, though. Anytime the lawn guys would come through the gate, Rosie was the first one to head for the back door, barking.

So, I didn't fight too hard about seven years ago when the wife said she'd found a good deal on another Chihuahua (puppy picture):


Looks like trouble, doesn't she? My wife would hurry home from work to play with the new puppy. We were struggling a bit trying to find a name for her. One day, I said "...we should name her Lucy. That way, when you or I arrive, we could say; Lucy..!! I'm home...!!...." The name stuck, and Lucy it was. Rosie is what's called an "apple head" chihuahua, as she's got a very small almost apple shaped head. She's about 3.2 lbs fully grown. Lucy, on the other hand, is what is called a "deer head" chihuahua and looks almost like a mini Doberman. We didn't realize she'd get as big as she did (almost 12 pounds). Deer head chi's were for a long time considered the "bastard step cousin" to the breed, with the apple head dogs the "pure breed" or "real" chihuahuas. That has changed, largely due to the fact that they are fantastic dogs. Some breeders now specialize in nothing else. I do know this; Lucy quickly became the "alpha" dog and is an absolutely wonderful, very smart, very loving, very playful dog that we feel really blessed to have. Here's how she looks now, all "grown up":


Four dogs. ......four dogs! I couldn't believe it when I'd say it out loud so you can imagine how hard my jaw hit the table when my wife said she wanted another puppy. I asked my wife over and over "...are you sure? Don't we have enough dogs with FOUR dogs in the house??..." She was steadfast in her request, so I finally agreed to buy her a puppy for her birthday if that was what she really wanted. I suggested she'd really rather have a nice new Glock 23 with a laser, but for some reason she didn't see it that way.... :laugh: OK, fine, whatever.....let's LOOK at dogs. Just look, I told her.....right.

Well, to make a long story a little shorter, she found a breeder who offered to bring over some puppies for us to look at. She said she'd prefer to see us and our dogs in our home, etc. Hmm.....I'd never "tried out" as a dog owner, but the truth is we really spoil our little girls. Good food, private fenced yard, run of the house....it's a pretty good life for a little dog, I think. So the day came and the breeder showed up. She brought in a teeny little kennel, with FOUR of the smallest little dogs I have ever seen which came bounding out! These were LITTLE chihuahuas..!! My god, hamster size..!! She snagged one, and said "...I know you wanted a female, but this one is really special, so I brought him along anyway....". Special didn't cover it. That little guy was full of piss and vinegar from the get go. Everything we'd always loved in chihuahuas seemed to be at full force with this tiny little boy. Well, the writing was on the wall, or checkbook, actually, and a month later he came to live with us. Never a question on a name for this one; he is Tutankhamen, or Tut, the boy King...!! You saw the picture I posted earlier but that does not give you a good reference as to how tiny he really is. Here he is, facing off with one of the stuffed Taco Bell dogs:


So, that's the story on how we came to have five little dogs in our home. I don't have to tell you dog owners how much entertainment they provide, how much unconditional love they give back, and how much of an addition to the family they are. Our "fantastic five" help make our house a home, and we love them all a ton.

Best Regards - B.B.S.

Edited for schpelling......
Our neighbors dog had puppies, then ran off never to be seen again. We (my wife) ended up wanting one and picking out a little Black/White one. We decided to call her Peanut, since she was only 4 weeks old and tiny, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.

The picture is from a little tricycle. Peanut was put in and driven around, while sleeping, by my wives son.


Here is a comparison. My 4 yr old Great Dane(at the time) and Peanut, the little 4 week old pup:

Package arrived today. Won't be able to get it out tomorrow with work, but I'll get it out first thing Thursday and post a DC.
I was thinking more along the lines of blatant sucking up. :p :laugh: :laugh:
Well, I don't qualify for the pass yet, but the girls want to say baroo. :)


WAY Cool!! Welcome to CP... guess you know where I get my handle here huh? :cool: The one on the right looks VERY much like my girl... who's your breeder?

I was thinking more along the lines of blatant sucking up. :p :laugh: :laugh:
You should take notes... it works! :laugh:

On Another note... the contest will be extended until KeithS gets the pass, due to lack of entries. I'll try to drum up some more interest in the contest. And rememebr, it's open to ALL CP'ers :thumbs:
On Another note... the contest will be extended until KeithS gets the pass, due to lack of entries. I'll try to drum up some more interest in the contest. And rememebr, it's open to ALL CP'ers :thumbs:

Noooooo, they snoozed, they lose.
Ahhh KeithS is getting the pass... Jim if you don't mind I might have to go to his place and make a few P/T's...
Ahhh KeithS is getting the pass... Jim if you don't mind I might have to go to his place and make a few P/T's...

Say wha? are you in the pass? did you sign up? when did you get a dog?

It's up to Keith if he wants to let you have a few of his put/take slots! I assume he'll be posting them since he's in the pass... :whistling:
On Another note... the contest will be extended until KeithS gets the pass, due to lack of entries. I'll try to drum up some more interest in the contest. And rememebr, it's open to ALL CP'ers :thumbs:

Noooooo, they snoozed, they lose.

Hey... see the above post about sucking up and all that... gotta let the Swissy people post!! LOL
Ahhh KeithS is getting the pass... Jim if you don't mind I might have to go to his place and make a few P/T's...

Say wha? are you in the pass? did you sign up? when did you get a dog?

It's up to Keith if he wants to let you have a few of his put/take slots! I assume he'll be posting them since he's in the pass... :whistling:

Kewl he will since I re-read the rules and there is no limit... LMFAO...
On Another note... the contest will be extended until KeithS gets the pass, due to lack of entries. I'll try to drum up some more interest in the contest. And rememebr, it's open to ALL CP'ers :thumbs:

Noooooo, they snoozed, they lose.
Agreed. Call the ball and the snoozers lost out......too bad for them.

So, maybe I'm a little biased...... :laugh: ....B.B.S.
Well, I don't qualify for the pass yet, but the girls want to say baroo. :)


WAY Cool!! Welcome to CP... guess you know where I get my handle here huh? :cool: The one on the right looks VERY much like my girl... who's your breeder?

I was thinking more along the lines of blatant sucking up. :p :laugh: :laugh:
You should take notes... it works! :laugh:

On Another note... the contest will be extended until KeithS gets the pass, due to lack of entries. I'll try to drum up some more interest in the contest. And rememebr, it's open to ALL CP'ers :thumbs:

AHHHHHH Your killing me. I hope everyday for the announcment I won. Where can I send your wife some flowers Swissy? :laugh:
