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Prayers and wishes for Kingantz


FFOX Whore
Jul 31, 2008
I wanted to bring this here as it was currently hidden in a thread for a pass. As he brought this out to our attention I hope he doesn't mind it being brought out. His daughter is currently sick and being a great BOTL and part of this community I wanted to say our prayers are with you and your daughter. I hope the GI gets scheduled asap and everything turns out for the best.

I'm going to have to put this on hold for now. My baby girl has been sick for some time and has gotten worse the last few days. Her doctor is sending us to a children's hospital in Charlotte this coming Monday. I'll get back to this when I can focus the attention to it.

Thanks all!

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. We made it to the hospital yesterday okay and the baby girl was in really good spirits. She was actually playing up until the doctor walked in, which she suddenly got a :0 look on her face and came running to daddy. The doctor did a thorough exam, so much so my baby almost passed out from screaming. He ran some tests for what seemed like forever, then came back and said everything looked normal but wanted to schedule to have a full GI done. We're now waiting to get that scheduled. She's had a good day today so far.
I seen this the other day, but my hopes and prayers are with the Lovelaces' now
Best wishes for you and your little girl Greg.

A finer BOTL you will not find!
Prayer sent and continued prayers coming. Hope the little cutie gets better. Be strong buddy!!! :thumbs:
Greg, I'm truly sorry. Prayers are being sent. There is nothing worse than when your child is sick. :(
Prayers and wishes sent your way!!

My thoughts go out to you, your family, and your little girl. I really hope she gets better fast!
Sorry to hear about this, my thoughts and prayers are with her and the family.
Very sorry to hear. Will keep them all in my continued thoughts and prayers.