I have to say, I have felt welcome, although ignored on occasion because I don't have the pins next to my name or a 5 year old account, but I accept that, and move on, and try to be as cordial and as much of a participant as I can be, maybe one day I won't be such a newb.
I find alot of information on this board, and I do agree with alot of the reviews posted here, while I try to let my personal taste be my guide and not fall behind the herd, only to get trampled by it. So yeah, I'm confident in my own palette, and I'm always willing to try something new, but I'm not gonna like it just because I'm told I should, I'm gonna like it if it agrees with my preference, and I think it's a good stick, and while I don't fear having my ass handed to me for disagreeing with the popular concensus, I try not to post things like that. However, I can't resist this one anymore . . .
I will say, that I am worried about the response I will get for saying I didn't like the Padrons I have had, and that I found the Tatuaje's a bit too harsh, and that both made my lips go numb as if I had just eaten 2 dozen incredibly hot, hotwings; simply because this board seems to be all about those 2 brands. But I guess I'll find out now if I get slammed for it.
I'm a newb and I approve this message! :whistling:
