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PM's from a Lurker

In my almost 4 years on this board I can think of NO ONE who was called out who didn't deserve it. Even I've been called out by the FOGs for stupid things I posted and I deserved every one of them. Live, post, and learn.

Yep... what he said, grave digging butthole that he is and all :sign:

Seriously, CP really is a very friendly place, even with the ocassional friction between us BOTLS and SOTLS. No family ever gets along all the time, but remain just that family.

*edit* I just noticed that Gary was the "grave digging butthole" I aplogize Dr. Jingles! :blush:
I've been spending most of my time here reading like crazy. So much to sift through. Plus I don't have a whole lot of useful comments to add. Yet...

I certainly feel welcome though. Just need to keep my asshat-ery to myself.

I got this a little while back (my truthful reply is quoted too):

Hi I'm Xxxxx nice to meet you. I am fresher than you are in these parts. My supplier usually takes the bands off of my shipments and I see your 898 purchase came in nice from your pics. If you don't mind could you tell me your source? I was also impressed by their replacing the damaged stick on your next order. I'm pretty sure it's ok to ask as long as it's not discussed on the Boards.

Nice to make your acquaintance, Xxxxx

I'm sorry you were mislead by my posting. To clarify, I was asking some of the guys a hypothetical question based on the experience of a friend of mine, who lives in Italy.

I have only had the pleasure of sampling Cuban cigars when traveling abroad on a few occasions.

I'm sorry I cannot be of help.

Best regards,

This person had no posts on a three day old account, with no profile nor information at all.
I have only had the pleasure of sampling Cuban cigars when traveling abroad on a few occasions.

While I think you gave a good response, I think it is illegal for American citizens to use any Cuban product in or out of the USA.
I have only had the pleasure of sampling Cuban cigars when traveling abroad on a few occasions.

While I think you gave a good response, I think it is illegal for American citizens to use any Cuban product in or out of the USA.

I'm free and clear, as I'm not an American citizen! :) Besides, I didn't "use" them... barely licked them a bit, and didn't enjoy them at all.
Just had a new neghbor move in next door. She asked about lthe town, local customs, the other neighbors, etc. Joining a community such as this is just the same. May teke time to come up to speed, but everyone welcomes the new folks and gives them a chance. I've enjoyed my early weeks here so far.

So let this thread be a lesson to lurkers. If you baselessly complain in PM that noobs just get their asses handed to them as a matter of course, lurking will not offer you all of the protection you thought you'd enjoy. It may be anonymous ass but it's been handed back all the same. :laugh:

I am glad you said this. I love this board and blind trades are a lot of fun but my perception is that newbies are guilty until proven innocent and even though they might not be guilty this time, we better keep a close eye on them.

I know you guys are probably going to go off on me like a rocket because anybody that disagrees with the herd has to suck but I am independant as hell and I have to call them like I see them.
After going through the first page of this, it appears to me that Alan did indead hit the nail on the head, as did Rod with the self esteam thing. Also, I've never seen a newbie get beaten down who didn't have it coming. Some people will not read the rules, then get corrected and then act like they had their balls stepped on which ultimatly ends up in the said beat down. I think when we are approached by PMs like the one KB recieved, its up to us to help the newbie come out of their shell, so to speak.

I am in 100% agreement. I think as long as you follow the rules, and do a search before posing a question, you will be fine. There are a lot worse places then CP. I don't think I will have much of a problem jumping in, and I think I can handle a few "balls being stepped on" posts.

I do sometimes think people get a little out of control when a newbie slips up. If he makes the 367th post about storing in cello or not, I don't think we need 16 replies telling him he's an idiot for not searching. Then again, maybe he/she deserves it :p
I have to say, I have felt welcome, although ignored on occasion because I don't have the pins next to my name or a 5 year old account, but I accept that, and move on, and try to be as cordial and as much of a participant as I can be, maybe one day I won't be such a newb.

I find alot of information on this board, and I do agree with alot of the reviews posted here, while I try to let my personal taste be my guide and not fall behind the herd, only to get trampled by it. So yeah, I'm confident in my own palette, and I'm always willing to try something new, but I'm not gonna like it just because I'm told I should, I'm gonna like it if it agrees with my preference, and I think it's a good stick, and while I don't fear having my ass handed to me for disagreeing with the popular concensus, I try not to post things like that. However, I can't resist this one anymore . . .

I will say, that I am worried about the response I will get for saying I didn't like the Padrons I have had, and that I found the Tatuaje's a bit too harsh, and that both made my lips go numb as if I had just eaten 2 dozen incredibly hot, hotwings; simply because this board seems to be all about those 2 brands. But I guess I'll find out now if I get slammed for it.

I'm a newb and I approve this message! :whistling: :rolleyes: :thumbs:
I have to say, I have felt welcome, although ignored on occasion because I don't have the pins next to my name or a 5 year old account, but I accept that, and move on, and try to be as cordial and as much of a participant as I can be, maybe one day I won't be such a newb.

I find alot of information on this board, and I do agree with alot of the reviews posted here, while I try to let my personal taste be my guide and not fall behind the herd, only to get trampled by it. So yeah, I'm confident in my own palette, and I'm always willing to try something new, but I'm not gonna like it just because I'm told I should, I'm gonna like it if it agrees with my preference, and I think it's a good stick, and while I don't fear having my ass handed to me for disagreeing with the popular concensus, I try not to post things like that. However, I can't resist this one anymore . . .

I will say, that I am worried about the response I will get for saying I didn't like the Padrons I have had, and that I found the Tatuaje's a bit too harsh, and that both made my lips go numb as if I had just eaten 2 dozen incredibly hot, hotwings; simply because this board seems to be all about those 2 brands. But I guess I'll find out now if I get slammed for it.

I'm a newb and I approve this message! :whistling: :rolleyes: :thumbs:

I like this one already, shame he doesn't have a mailing addy in his profile.
So let this thread be a lesson to lurkers. If you baselessly complain in PM that noobs just get their asses handed to them as a matter of course, lurking will not offer you all of the protection you thought you'd enjoy. It may be anonymous ass but it's been handed back all the same. :laugh:

I am glad you said this. I love this board and blind trades are a lot of fun but my perception is that newbies are guilty until proven innocent and even though they might not be guilty this time, we better keep a close eye on them.

I know you guys are probably going to go off on me like a rocket because anybody that disagrees with the herd has to suck but I am independant as hell and I have to call them like I see them.

I'm afraid your perception is much different than mine and certainly I hope you weren't trying to use my post to bolster your perception. I had my tongue firmly planted in my cheek when I wrote that. At no time during my own newbieness did I feel the least bit guilty until proven anything else. I was welcomed, engaged with a great deal of camraderie, and even set straight a time or two as was appropriate.
So let this thread be a lesson to lurkers. If you baselessly complain in PM that noobs just get their asses handed to them as a matter of course, lurking will not offer you all of the protection you thought you'd enjoy. It may be anonymous ass but it's been handed back all the same. :laugh:

I am glad you said this. I love this board and blind trades are a lot of fun but my perception is that newbies are guilty until proven innocent and even though they might not be guilty this time, we better keep a close eye on them.

I know you guys are probably going to go off on me like a rocket because anybody that disagrees with the herd has to suck but I am independant as hell and I have to call them like I see them.

I'm afraid your perception is much different than mine and certainly I hope you weren't trying to use my post to bolster your perception. I had my tongue firmly planted in my cheek when I wrote that. At no time during my own newbieness did I feel the least bit guilty until proven anything else. I was welcomed, engaged with a great deal of camraderie, and even set straight a time or two as was appropriate.

No, you just broke the ice a little.
I'm supposed to have my address somewhere in my profile? Wow . . . I am a newb!
Just had a new neghbor move in next door. She asked about lthe town, local customs, the other neighbors, etc. Joining a community such as this is just the same. May teke time to come up to speed, but everyone welcomes the new folks and gives them a chance. I've enjoyed my early weeks here so far.


Hey John! I just noticed you're from Bethel, CT. Please be sure you, your wife and daughter all get out and vote for Dave Cappiello, Melanie O'Brien & Toni Boucher. Toni should win but Dave and Melanie are both in tough races and need every vote they can get. I used to work at the State Capitol in Hartford and I know all of them pretty well. I also remember when Jason Bartlett used to be a Republican.... :rolleyes:

Thanks! :thumbs:
Hey John! I just noticed you're from Bethel, CT. Please be sure you, your wife and daughter all get out and vote for Dave Cappiello, Melanie O'Brien & Toni Boucher. Toni should win but Dave and Melanie are both in tough races and need every vote they can get. I used to work at the State Capitol in Hartford and I know all of them pretty well. I also remember when Jason Bartlett used to be a Republican....

HEY, no politics! ;) :D
I have to say, I have felt welcome, although ignored on occasion because I don't have the pins next to my name or a 5 year old account, but I accept that, and move on, and try to be as cordial and as much of a participant as I can be, maybe one day I won't be such a newb.
FWIW, the pins and their corollary post count mean nothing to me in choosing who to ignore. Cigar boards take time away from life and loved ones. There's just not enough time to meticulously glean through every post on this board. Lord help you if you scan through several different cigar boards (or those of any other hobby). I try to get through as many as I can, but I pay particular attention to members who consistently compose clear and intelligent posts which help enrich my enjoyment of this hobby. Content trumps quantity for me.
Well, to me, it seems that said lurker didn't really consider why some noob was getting his ass handed to him. It's always for a reason. The only time I've really seen it become sport is when some noob goes so far over the line, he calls down the thunder on himself. Like the one who doesn't read/respect the rules, feels entitled to the perqs, trust, and respect earned by long-time members, thinks he's gonna change the board to run his way, yadda, yadda, yadda. You know, the guy who pulls his sphincter down over his head and thinks he's stylin' in his new hat. Any reasonable person who practices a little literacy, care, and good sense shouldn't have a problem.

It doesn't seem so long ago that I was a rank noob. Hell, considering my comparatively low post count and the fact that I'm not a FOG, I may well still fit in to the noob category. Don't care, really. It hasn't affected my enjoyment of this community. I never got my ass handed to me, that I remember. Corrected? Sure. Educated? You betchya. Abused or piled upon? Nope, not once. I've seen many other noobs join us in the same manner.

Yep - like, for instance, never posting on this board and reaching out to an established member to ask about his sources - and complaining he doesn't post because he doesn't like the beat down he sees.... :rolleyes:

Hate to say it - but it appears the "lurker" has enough insight about himself to know things might not be good here.

Anyone who has seriously spent time here knows CP for what it is. That varies by perspective depending on personal attitude. This is an uncensored, mod-free, caring community - you're free to be a contributing, positive member - or (conversely) make a fool of yourself - all you want.

Bottom line - Puffy.com is good for the overall cigar board community for a reason. :laugh: