Hi Folks,
First off, thank you for the warm welcome to CigarPass, I think this is a great site and I can see that its members are a big reason why. I can tell you that after reading through the posts in response to the announcement of my sponsorship, I wasn't surprised to hear some hesitation and doubt among the members.
I fully understand that it takes time to earn trust as a vendor, especially in this business, but I can assure you that we will do what we can to make sure you feel comfortable with us as a vendor.
It seems the majority of the posts were concerned about the structure of Cuban Lou's...who, what, where, etc. Well, let me quickly try and give you a little background and as much clarification as possible.
Our family has been in the cigar business since 1954 in Montreal, Canada under the name Independent Cigar. After operating retail stores for a while my family exited the business in the 70's. A couple of generations after it began I decided to revive the cigar business a little differently.
A couple of family members and myself have set up our offices here in Canada, we process all orders and inquiries here in Toronto. Because the tobacco laws are strict and the taxation is so high it is pretty much impossible to be competitive price-wise. Most of the canadian cigar merchants are priced so high because of the taxes and the government is very strict in keeping tabs on this.
So we have decided create the best of both worlds, having our offices in Canada, therefore keeping phone lines open to our US customers during business hours and our warehouse in Switzerland, to take advantage of the favorable duty and tax situation resulting in better prices to you.
Our cigars are genuine...bottom line, our family wouldn't bother trying to build a reputable and trustworthy business with crappy fake cigars...for whatever its worth I would not disgrace our family business by doing that.
We have more respect for our family and customers than that.
Anyways, I will be posting some special offers and giveaways in the next week or so (even some deals on shipping

). We hope you give us a shot. We ship in original sealed boxes and with bands intact. Delivery time to USA is between 5-9 days...7 days on average.
All the best!