cvmfour said:
Never heard of'em before...I'll let other try'em out first. Glad to have you though.
Hmmmm.... Okay, let me get this straight... We got "Great site...", "glad to have ya'", Welcome aboard...", "Welcome the new advertiser..."... "drop the shipping costs...." etc. and then we get to Cliff's post.... "
Never heard of 'em before.." I'm not trying to read into that at all, but is pretty odd compared to the others, wouldn't you say?
To me - and this is only me - it seems like:
a) a newbie who has never heard of Cuban Lou's before and is curious (doesn't sound like that describes Cliff) -or-
b) sounds like a challenge as to the legitimacy of Cuban Lou's from someone who is experienced in online vendors, from someone who's been around for a while and theoretically should know.
I don't see that there's a third choice there, unless maybe you read through the lines. And in that case, I'd think you'd read that maybe someone made a faux pas in their original post...
Maybe I'm reading into it, maybe CC and SamClemmons are giving Cliff more credit than he deserves, but that seems to me to be a challenge to Cuban Lou's from someone who's got a pretty high post count, and has been around the cigar circles for a while - and I think Cliff SHOULD clarify his position. Maybe if Cliff was joking, or truly didn't know who this vendor was and had questions, rather than jumping on the offensive he could just have said, "Really, I've never heard of them and I was just curious about their reliability, legitimacy, reputation, etc. Has anyone every heard of them and what can you tell me..." Seems to me that would have cleared it up in one post...
And I'm curious, morenoloco - would you be allowed the lattitude in saying the things you've said to established members here at the other board you frequent...