Outlaw Padron 2010

I was googling the Outlaw Padron event and found these videos:


That looks like one helluva time. Is the event really as incredible as Ive heard it is? Are the women there really that delicious looking? If so, I just want to say something to everyone that's going: I HATE ALL YOU LUCKY MOFOS!

I have to make this next year.
To answer your questions: yes and yes. I'm very lucky in the fact that the original Outlaw is 45 minutes from my house, and the new bigger Outlaw is only 20 minutes from my house!!!! You and Dozer need to make the trip soon! :thumbs:
Hate to break it to you, Jon, but Dozer and I are no longer together. And yes, you ARE incredibly lucky!!
OOps, sorry, my bad. You still need to make it here for an Outlaw event!

I am so confused.
I was googling the Outlaw Padron event and found these videos:


That looks like one helluva time. Is the event really as incredible as Ive heard it is? Are the women there really that delicious looking? If so, I just want to say something to everyone that's going: I HATE ALL YOU LUCKY MOFOS!

I have to make this next year.
To answer your questions: yes and yes. I'm very lucky in the fact that the original Outlaw is 45 minutes from my house, and the new bigger Outlaw is only 20 minutes from my house!!!! You and Dozer need to make the trip soon! :thumbs:
Hate to break it to you, Jon, but Dozer and I are no longer together. And yes, you ARE incredibly lucky!!
OOps, sorry, my bad. You still need to make it here for an Outlaw event!

I am so confused.
Sorry about that. Jon was referring to my ex-bf who used to come to herfs with me.

And Jon, I am definitely making my way to this Outlaw event next year. Trust me, if I had the means I would this year!
Bumping this to see what kind of timeline everyone is looking at for the weekend. I have received permission from the boss for Friday afternoon/evening and all day/evening on Saturday. I am looking forward to seeing some of you again and hopefully meeting a few more CP'ers for the first time! :thumbs:
Bumping this to see what kind of timeline everyone is looking at for the weekend. I have received permission from the boss for Friday afternoon/evening and all day/evening on Saturday. I am looking forward to seeing some of you again and hopefully meeting a few more CP'ers for the first time! :thumbs:

I know there will be a few of us there Thursday afternoon/evening until Sunday. I'm not sure if there are any concrete plans yet. I hear there's a mini event Friday night at the north location and dinner is always a good time Friday night.

As the time comes closer I'm sure something will be figured out. It's getting closer, though. :cool:
Wow- great to see so many CP'rs in the KC area! I'm unfortunately stuck deployed right now but hopefully can meet some of you for a smoke somewhere after I return. Hope everyone enjoys the event I went to a couple of weekend BBQs at the old Outlaw store and they were both first rate.


Not gonna happen for me this year Gents. I'm training a new guy in the lab and am supposed to work that Fri,Sat,and Sun. Since I am training the new guy, no one wants to sign up to cover my shifts. :angry:

Hopefully someday though....
Not gonna happen for me this year Gents. I'm training a new guy in the lab and am supposed to work that Fri,Sat,and Sun. Since I am training the new guy, no one wants to sign up to cover my shifts. :angry:

Hopefully someday though....

That's to bad Brian. I was really looking forward to sharing a cigar and a beer with you. Hopefully next year.
Not gonna happen for me this year Gents. I'm training a new guy in the lab and am supposed to work that Fri,Sat,and Sun. Since I am training the new guy, no one wants to sign up to cover my shifts. :angry:

Hopefully someday though....

That's to bad Brian. I was really looking forward to sharing a cigar and a beer with you. Hopefully next year.

Same here Brent. I've had my vacation posted for a month now and no one will touch it because of the new guy.

Fuggin' newbs
Well, I regret to inform that I will have to back out yet again this year. Same exact reason as last year. The State of Illinois has scheduled my quarterly briefing to the Illinois Army National Guard General for the same day.

I have no other option but to attend and brief.

This fuggin' sucks yet again.
Damn, I was hoping to see you down there, Waytt. I was also looking forward to meeting you, Brian.

I hope next time works out.
Just a little over a month away, but I have a feeling these last four weeks are going to creep by. Sorry to hear about the cancellations #2 and Wyatt. Anyone else looking to make the trek in from out of town?
Couldn't wait. Ordered Jack Stack for home delivery today. Not sure if it is going to make the wait easier or harder.
Couldn't wait. Ordered Jack Stack for home delivery today. Not sure if it is going to make the wait easier or harder.

Please to be explaining. You live in Denver, right? And Jack Stack is in KC? You are really stretching the "45min or it's free" thing here.
What a wonderous age we live in. I still don't buy the 45min thing though. There's just no way.

Alright, now that I'm back from Vegas I'm itching for Padron. Let's get the planning phase started.

Who all is coming into town on Thursday, and how many locals are available that night?

Who all is coming in on Friday?

For those of you that don't know about how the events have changed, since there are 2 stores now there is a mini-event on Friday night at the North(old) store, that will be much more laid back and Jorge(or whomever is coming) will be in attendance. The main event is still all day Saturday at the South(new) store. Not sure how this will alter everyone's thoughts about Friday night, but just something to think about as we make our plans.

Anyway, if you wouldn't mind posting in this thread if you're coming and what night I'll start putting lists together and formulating at least something of a game plan.
Thursday 9ish PM----Sunday Way too freaking early morning.

Not doing anything Jay wouldn't do. ;)
I definitely can not make it. I wish I could but I have other things to take care of at the house. I don't even have a single
Padron at the house to smoke on the day of the event. Just plenty of Opus X on hand. :laugh:

I hope all that make it have a blast. :)
Coming in Thursday (early enough to have a bite to eat before I pick someone up at the airport around 9ish) and leaving Sunday.

I'm looking forward to it as always. :cool:
Flying in on Friday arriving around noon till Sunday. Rest of the MPLS/SP crew should be twoish Friday afternoon.