WTF...............Am I the only one that smells bullshit here? ???
Either Ed is truly a nice guy and there is a majority of us that have him pegged wrong, or he has the wool totally pulled over the eyes of you new guys that think you know better than the senior membership.
I've seen a lot of warning signs over the course of the last six months, and either Ed (Spivy) has no business doing these dealings with cigars, or he has all of you blinded making you act like a group of Lemming's ready to jump off of a cliff.
Here are a few of the things that I can bring to your attention.
First there was the Tkoepp
Sale thread where Ed admittedly backed out of a commitment because something better came along and he wanted to leave Tim hanging. Sure the cigars were something that would sell anyways, but to me, it speaks ill of someones character when they would do this. It made a red flag pop up for me.
Then there was an episode in the
Make-a-Wish PIF Thread.
Flushnutz came to me because he did not want to make a big deal about it, but he had questions about the "Cuban Sir Winston" Ed sent him. Upon examination of the pictures Dennis provided along with measurements, I realized he had been sent a Dominican H Uphman Churchill.
The construction was not even close!
I approached Ed as Dennis did not want to. The response I got was that he mistakenly sent this cigar.
While Ed acted graciously and forwarded his next wish to Dennis as a way of making it right, it really set off the BS meter with me. How does someone who comes off as so well versed in cigars "mistakenly" that so obviously does not match up to what it was supposed to have been.
I really had a hard time with it, but let it go.
I know some sales go on behind the scenes, but does it bother anyone else that Ed's all of a sudden dropped off the radar?
Go look at the B/S/T forum. Until recently, you could not go one page without seeing his username all over the place.
Now I hear rumors from some pretty reliable sources that Ed's decided CP is too full of BS, and he's started recruiting membership from CP to conduct private sales on CP, but not on CP if you will. So, these sales gone bad affect CP, but they were not made on CP. I have a huge problem with Ed recruiting membership from here because CP sucks so bad and it's not the same. All while acting like nothing is amiss. Go click on his Sig if you like. Looks like Dulaney, and others are founding membership.
So, all of you guys rushing to his defense on that secret forum trashing CP and the senior membership, why don't you all get the hell out? If it's that bad, and Ed's so great, then what's keeping you here? We don't need you, and I think you all are two faced hypocrites in the worst kind of way.
You all are quick to act like teen age asses who think mom and dad (senior members) don't know shit, and you know it all. As soon as you get burned though, you want to go crying to Rod that so and so screwed you over though, huh!
Oh! Once again, maybe, just maybe

Ed did not realize that something was amiss with these OR Anejo before he sent them, but if that is the case, he should not even be conducting these sales. Hell, I could tell just from pictures and I'm no expert.