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Open letter to CP


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
Dear Members,

With some of the recent incidents, I feel it is time to not only remind everyone of our rules, but also clarify some of them. Our rules are very simple, and most are (or at least should be) commonsense. Please take a moment to review our rules here: CP RULES (CLICK)


CP is maintained by a one-man team. When I started CigarPass, I was still in school, and had a ton of free time to dedicate towards the site. Nearly 10 years later, the site has gone from a couple hundred members to thousands of members. I don't have the free time I once had, making it difficult to read every thread, or keep a watchful eye over the community as I've done in the past. Like most of you, I have many things outside of CP going on that require my attention. I do my best to help keep CP the friendliest cigar community around -- however things occasionally slip through the cracks; more so now with the large member base.

Let me preface by saying it's never been my intent to have a moderation team, and I will continue to do all that I can to keep that from happening. With more and more people joining CP, and blatantly disregarding our culture and our rules, the community demands more attention and time which I simply don't have any more. I'm asking that everyone please THINK BEFORE YOU POST. With the increase in membership of people who want to do it their way; I have honestly reached my limit in respect to time and resources. In addition to: performing software updates, server maintenance, resolving technical issues, managing backups, and maintaining all hosting functions…I'm currently in the process of redesigning the entire site, and am also planning a major forum upgrade. Not only does this cost money (more than we make from our sponsors), but it is also extremely time consuming.

Some of you guys need to think about what value you're actually adding to this community. No one is asked to pay any dues whatsoever. The attitude of "I'll do what I want", "Give me what I demand" and "I'm entitled to my membership at CP" ends today. Anyone who feels they are entitled to membership at CP should leave now. This is a community effort. Some think I over moderate as it is – if you feel this way, I urge you to visit some of the other communities. I also ask that you keep in mind that you are a member of a FREE community, which is privately owned and funded. We are not a business nor do we accept dues or solicit for donations. My vision is to maintain a friendly community based around cigars…that is all. Certain issues that took place in the past really disappoint me - they are in the past, therefore they will remain in the past. It's a new year, and it's time to get back on track. Our rules will be strictly enforced from this point forward.

I have always been very open and honest with my vision of CigarPass. If things don't start turning around, and if people don't start behaving with a little more dignity and respect, I will have no other option than to create some sort of moderation team. I am fully aware that if a moderation team is created, it will ruffle some feathers in the interim. It would be greatly appreciated that everyone understands that it is my responsibility to do what is best for the long term health and success of CP. In addition, assuming you follow our basic rules, you have nothing to worry about if such a team is formed. While we are a self-moderated community today, some people have taken it to an extreme, and proclaimed themselves as the primary moderators, which completely negates the entire purpose of a SELF moderated community. Self moderation means we are all on the same playing field, you moderate yourself, and help guide others when needed. It does not make any one member an authoritative figure.

If a moderation team is created, they will not cover up any activity, no posts/threads will be deleted, our general rules will remain in place, and they will not have banning power… They will simply help in keeping an eye on the community, helping to prevent uncalled for interference in threads and inappropriate behavior. Assuming you're an upstanding member who adds value and not drama to CP, you have nothing to worry about. I really don't want to result to this; therefore I'm asking that everyone please moderate THEMELVES a little more closely.

The purpose of this post should not be received as a threat. As I said earlier, I want to be completely open and honest with the members – I don't believe in springing surprises upon anyone. This is a great community of which I have the honor of being a part of, and I don't want to see it become tarnished in any way. I will continue to do my best to preserve what we have and attempt to make it even better.

I wish you all a very happy and healthy 2009.


Thanks for everything, Rod! It would be a crying shame if this site lost it's self-moderated format so I hope your post helps keep that from happening.

This site is an oasis in a desert! :D
Very well put, Rod. I've seen a few different forums go through these growing pains, and I've never been as comfortable with an administrator as I am now. You've maintained, in my opinion, the best cigar forum on the web, and I trust you to continue it.
Thanks for everything, Rod! It would be a crying shame if this site lost it's self-moderated format so I hope your post helps keep that from happening.

This site is an oasis in a desert! :D

Ditto. I know that I give far less than I receive on this site. Thanks for all you do. Although I have only visited other cigar boards briefly, this to me is the best of the best.
I call shenanigans... that post was far too long for Rod to have composed it; clearly ghostwritten by Wilkey! :D
Rod, I'm sure the majority of members will respect and support whatever decision you make regarding the creation of a moderation team, or some other form of organization that will assist you in maintaining the integrity of CigarPass while allowing it to continue its growth. There will, of course, be those who will continue to balk at adult supervision.
I call shenanigans... that post was far too long for Rod to have composed it; clearly ghostwritten by Wilkey! :D

HA! Dude...ok, see, now THAT was pretty damned funny!

I hope that everybody reads this but sadly, I know there will be a bunch who won't.
That was a very good post Rod and as you stated, it was time for it. I've known you for a long time now and you've kept the same views from the beginning. I hope all the S / BOTL take head to your post and re-read the rules. This is a great place to hang your hat as they say and I'd hate to see things change........ :) :thumbs: :cool:
Thanks Rod! I read and understand your message. I hope that it never comes to a moderation team for this place. Or, have something that was once a labor of love turn into a burden for you. I'd never want you to think "I should have taken the money, and run from Mr. Caputo."
Thanks Rod! I read and understand your message. I hope that it never comes to a moderation team for this place. Or, have something that was once a labor of love turn into a burden for you. I'd never want you to think "I should have taken the money, and run from Mr. Caputo."

Thanks Rod! I read and understand your message. I hope that it never comes to a moderation team for this place. Or, have something that was once a labor of love turn into a burden for you. I'd never want you to think "I should have taken the money, and run from Mr. Caputo."

That post says a lot to me. I also hope that this site has not become a burden for you mate... that would not be fair at all to you. Don't let a few (well... perhaps more than a few at the moment) bad apples spoil your... ummm... apple pie (I forget the saying). I am only a youngin on this here site, but I have been here long enough to see that the way it is run at the moment makes it one of the best forums/communities out there.

I trust your judgment mate, and want to thank you for putting so much effort into this place so many of us call home.
Read and understood. Thanks for making CP available to us, hopefully no moderation will be needed!

I'll do my best in the coming year to pay more attention to the way my posts are conveyed to the community. Not to say that I'm much of a $hit stirrer to begin with but, you know what I mean...
I appreciate the post, Rod. CP should not be laborious for you, that, I'm sure, wasn't the vision you had for the site. It's always good to take a look at previously established rules from time to time to insure they are appropriate in the current environment.
Message received loud and clear. I agree that I hope everyone here will read this message. Thanks again for a great site, Rod.
Thanks Rod for sharing your concerns with us. It is wonderful that this place has continued to grow and I believe that it has as a testament of what we can offer here that no other board can. With growth comes the increased task of keeping things in check. With the the size of our membership and constant push toward entropy we must call upon all that we have inside to protect what is dear to us here. At the end of the day, if all that we are ISO is a wonderful place to share experiences and friendships through our common core values and our passion for cigars, we will be in good shape.
Thanks for all your work Rod.
I just recently find out about this place and I'm really enjoying here,
I learned so much in a short period of time and talked to some great people.
hope it doesn't get down to this.
Keep it as it is.