As long as there is political pressure in Southern Florida from the ex-pats, there will be an embargo. If it weren't for Jeb Bush's re-election, as well as his own, GW would have helped push the bill to lift the embargo. The ex-pats have less concern with what type of government is in place on the island, than they do about getting back their property(s).
As far as the Trading with the Enemy Act, it'll be around forever, as it doesn't just include Cuba. It has applied to other countries and I imagine with the way things are going, a few others will be added someday.
Agree 100%. World politics is a tangled web and it is not so black and white. What did Iran-Contra affair do for the Trading with the Enemy Act other than to say that whether we like it or not it happens all the time under the table. you and I are just not included in the decision making. It is a marriage of convenience. Wheeling and dealing.
It would be nice to have the freedom to travel and get my cigars without watching my back all the time.