The battle call has been sounded.....the troops have been mustered.....they have received their orders and the artillery is in place. We shall commence firing in the morning. No soul shall be spared!!!
You know, you almost have to feel sorry for them. Almost... calm..........
Never rush into battle.
Well fortified FOG's will not be decimated by a bunch of us newbies going off half cocked (back to the dick zipper thing). Give them time to stock up on depends and dentucream while we organize our plan.
Can also be read as.......Holy shit just because I did some work in my basement and didn't reply to every reply in the NEWBIES UNITE thread everybody thought poor Brian was blowing wind up his own skirt!
Looks like what? maybe four newbies circling the wagons? good job Jonesy :thumbs:
You and your kind, are just woefully inadequate.General Preembargo and I had a few coversations last night to see if we would be able to come to an amicable solution to our situation. The talks went well although they ended in an impasse. Therefore war has been declared by the General and myself to our respective troops. Let the games begin men. SHOW NO MERCY!
Oh the humanity, it's raining Macanudos!Here we go Bombs Away.......................LOL
Oh the humanity, it's raining Macanudos!Here we go Bombs Away.......................LOL