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Newbies Learn from my mistakes

Matt R said:
Strayvector said:
Oh wait, he's 27, so that would be his 7 year old.

Cousins usually start earlier than 20 years of age...... that way when they are 20, they can be called Grandma and Grandpa.

You just made milk come out of my nose.
Nathan Rahl said:
A rather approptiate image I think:

Image removed on this post.

:D :D


Not appropriate at all. Please edit.
KayakinBoy said:
The Master said:
I say do not ban him. This kind of entertainment is hard to find.

Tony,let me explain what kind of loser I am. I own a couple of businesses in Rhode Island.I hired a guy to manage my affairs so I  was able to stop working in 1996.

Two years ago I moved into a beautiful gated community here in Florida. I am a member at the TPC of Prestancia, which happens to be right across the street from me. I hang out, play golf, watch my 4 kids grow up and smoke cigars all day long. My cigar collection is worth more than your entire net worth.

I guess I'm the big loser, not you who is incapable of doing something as simple as getting along with people at a cigar BB.

Hey Harris, need a caddy? :whistling:

Caddy, hell...I'll work for cigars... :D

As for TD, com'n fellas...don't you realize that somewhere a village is missing their idiot?
alright yall, I just back from the store, got the hot dogs and popcorn ready for yas. and yes I picked up some extra salt... lmao I cant believe he actually said that, I guess ill just leave it there.

oh yea, Im also not in favor of banning, this is pretty amusing.

junkman_56 said:
TonyDogs said:
Look at all the losers that could not help themselves but to respond.

You people have nothing but this forum.

I did not getting any PM from anyone.

My theory stands! Losers can only have strength in groups.

Divide them and they are easily concurred.
TonyDogs, the only loser we see here is you.
Your posts are becoming more and more pitiful.

Rod, please end this trolls time here.
His posts have become insulting, belligerent and mean spirited.

Sorry, but I have to disagree with ya on the banning. Other sites ban people all the time, and that's not what this site is about. A free exchange of ideas is always welcome here.......as long as the language is kept clean, and no one is seriously threatened.

There have always been nut jobs like Tony that post seriously entertaining dribble for the rest of us to read, why take that pleasure away from the rest of us? Someone has to provide the cannon fodder for Neal and the rest of the gang, why not Tony?

Holy Crap!
I couldn't stand it any more...what a moron! He's gotta be sitting there laughing with himself over this whole mess... he really can't be serious, can he? I mean, no one can be that dense and mentally deficient and still be breathing?

I could only hope to be half the 'cigar snob' these guys are- everyone here has been more than generous with their knowledge, patience and humidors! how the HELL can you call any of them "one of these pathetic, impotent, deadbeat, LOSERS" when they freely share all with a complete stranger that the only connection they have with you is this board and a love of cigars?

I belong to a number of other boards... firefighters, WWII Aviation, Jeeps, hunting, fishing, etc... and on NO OTHER BOARD has anyone sent me parts for my old jeep, bullets for my rifle, directions to their secret fishing hole or the like- yet I join here and I'm swamped with wecome cigars. Everyone is open to discussion on what they like and dislike, give you suggestions on other things to try and better places to purchase whatever. I've even started doing the 'pay it forward' thing with people joining recently,just to help promote the brotherhood here- something you sorely lack and cannot see.

So let me join in the rising collective voice-
(and learn the English language, you dick)

And now where's that wonderful IGNORE button...
Just for future reference….it’s DRIVEL not dribble.
AVB said:
Just for future reference….it’s DRIVEL not dribble.
Dribble is the ever-present liquid on the side of TD's face.
Damm it! I told myself not to resort to calling names, but AVB egged me on with his comment.
Nathan Rahl said:
A rather approptiate image I think:

Image removed from post!
:D  :D

Actually Nate, that picture is NOT appropriate. There are quite a few good members here that will be offended by it, myself included. I would sincerely request that you remove it....and find something not demeaning to the mentally impaired, yet poking a stick at the intended target. ;)

John V.
Strayvector said:
AVB said:
Just for future reference….it’s DRIVEL not dribble.
Dribble is the ever-present liquid on the side of TD's face.

Thanks Stray for picking up on that ;)
Ironworker said:
one way or the other this thread really should stop.

best way is to just stop posting, and ignore the cuss... but there's just too much sick pleasure in it!

Kinda like picking at scabs!
stevehawk said:
atuck said:
I just wanted to say this to ol' Td one more time!



I just want to poke him with a sharp stick one time...



Okay, so I gave him a second one for good measure. :D

God... you went from minor but excusable meltdown to flaming fuhcktard in record time. Anyone who had not made up their minds already about you likely has been helped along by your pearls of wisdom. You definitely are serving as an example to newbies, that's for sure...

TonyDogs said:
First let me say that this is a really good forum for cigar information.

Now I have had problems with many members on this site, lets call them the cigarsnobs. The have been around for along time on cp. These people are very touchy about everything like some old ladies.

So if you get into it with any one of them (cyber room) here what you do.
First they will gang up on you so you are fighting with many people. This is there only strength. If you being hit from many directions it is hard to deliver a knock out blow. There purpose is to get you mad, they got me ready to cross state lines I was so mad. So here how to defuse these cigarsnobs take the debate off the public forum. Send them a PM. They crumble like little girls.
Here is what I did not understand about this forum, there are people on here that are complete losers in the real world. Yet in cyber land they think they are the cool ones. They are such losers in the real world, that they get off and talking crazy in the cyber world because there is know consequences. See in real life these cigarsnobs have nothing probley no self worth either. SO when you challenge them one on one (cyber world) they crumble because they dont have the group to back up there play.  They become impotent just like they are in real life.

See for me the CIGAR is an Icon. Cigars equal success. That success might be from a monaterry stand point or from a personel stand point. The cigar snobs know nothing of success, Losers are will always be loser.

SO Newbies if you get into with one of these pathetic, impotent, deadbeat, LOSERS, take the debate to the PM, and they will quit talking fast.

If anyone would like to PM me feel free.
I don't know if you will be able to handle the truth.
TonyDogs said:
There is another saying, HE who walks through the valley of shadow and death will fear no evil for I am the B.M.F in the valley.

hehe... okay... he has got to be kidding here folks... I think we're being trolled, no one could be such a pudwhacker.
TonyDogs said:
I guess some you might not be a losers. If you have had success in your life then you dont fall into that catagory. I think the successful people on this board would not be consider cigarsnobs, IF you are why would you associate with those kind of people? Do you know what kind of people they are?

They wear Spocks ears and run around the apratment complex with an Opus X hanging out of ther fly. Come Guy your better than that?

You got me!!!!!!!!!

moki said:
no one could be such a pudwhacker.

That's what we thought about you a couple of years ago and it turned out to be almost true..... :D :sign: