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Newbies Learn from my mistakes

The Master said:
Tony, I hang out here because this is a great bunch of guys. They are no where near cigar snobs. I know a bunch of guys who are cigar snobs, they don't smoke anything but Cubans and high line NC's, just like myself. But just because we smoke all good stuff, it doesn't mean we don't hang with people who cannot afford the same stuff we smoke. Anyone who smokes hand made cigars is a BOTL.

What are you doing, YOur suppose to be mad, why are you being nice guy all of sudden.
Are you at your wits end with me?
TonyDogs said:
Geese are you breaking some of those rules yourself

Tony, I never get mad at anyone in cyber space. I actually feel sorry for you because you have burned a bridge here and at every other cigar site.
Do i feel a little hence of repentance?

Tony, if you can admit you were wrong like a man this might blow over. where this go's is entirely up to you. there isn't a cigar BB on the web that 75% of these members don't belong to.

There will be no hiding or changing boards. chill out and apologise like a man.

TonyDogs said:
The Master said:
Tony, I hang out here because this is a great bunch of guys. They are no where near cigar snobs. I know a bunch of guys who are cigar snobs, they don't smoke anything but Cubans and high line NC's, just like myself. But just because we smoke all good stuff, it doesn't mean we don't hang with people who cannot afford the same stuff we smoke. Anyone who smokes hand made cigars is a BOTL.

What are you doing, YOur suppose to be mad, why are you being nice guy all of sudden.
Are you at your wits end with me?

"Bing! What are you still doing here, I thought I told you to go **** your mother"
-Joe Pesci, Goodfellas
FOGs...... BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Where? You've been attacked by midbies brother, don't go lumping us in with them. :D See, what you have here is exactly what is sitting behind your own keyboard. A bunch of a$$holes who can make their fingers type letters on a screen. The only major difference between you and them is quite obvious: most of them have at least an ounce of class, excluding ggiese of course, he has less than a gram.
AVB said:
Losers always have rules.  Winners do whatever is necessary.  Just something to think about.

Now that is something worth quoting. :)

Edit out TD's words.
Matt R said:
FOGs...... BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Where? You've been attacked by midbies brother, don't go lumping us in with them. :D See, what you have here is exactly what is sitting behind your own keyboard. A bunch of a$$holes who can make their fingers type letters on a screen. The only major difference between you and them is quite obvious: most of them have at least an ounce of class, excluding ggiese of course, he has less than a gram.

Why you little mudderfocker!!! I'll get you for that, you bastid!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

...and Neal and Harris are not gonna be too happy you calling them "midbies"... :p
this is like a fuggin train wreck!!! it's so hideous to watch this guy in action, but I just can't help watching it!!! :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign:

Little Pm exchange:

You sound like you are ok, but these cigarsnobs must be given some of there own medicine. You cant talk trash for ever, eventually someone will say enough.
My post are not directed at you.
I got them guys mad as hell

No Tony, you are wrong. Your posts are directed at myself and all other members of this board. That's the problem - you don't understand the brotherhood here. I AM one of the "cigarsnobs" and one of the guys you are talking to. You've stepped in it big time and I have a feeling there is no way out of it. You don't get it and never will get it. I've traded, done passes with, and exchanged PMs with just about EVERY person you are considering a "cigarsnob" and whom you are directing your ridiculous posts at. It pisses me off.
Then what are you trying to say to me?
You want me to be nice with all these moe moes?

I am saying to SHUT THE **** UP and move on. You cannot "win" this little war you are trying to fight. You have completely alienated yourself from EVERY member of this board and others. Even the "newbies" you were "warning" are not on your side. You have no friends here and no one to stand up for your point of view. You are done here. IF you don't get banned you will never be able to post here and have anyone give a **** about what you are saying.

Last one not read yet according to the tracker. I thought PMing would be more fun, I guess I was wrong.
All I can say is WTF TonyDogs?

I don't even want to bother reading through all this crap.
The Master said:
Tony, I hang out here because this is a great bunch of guys. They are no where near cigar snobs. I know a bunch of guys who are cigar snobs, they don't smoke anything but Cubans and high line NC's, just like myself. But just because we smoke all good stuff, it doesn't mean we don't hang with people who cannot afford the same stuff we smoke. Anyone who smokes hand made cigars is a BOTL.

That's a great summary of what it's all about.
TonyDog you are a mental cripple. Your mindless rants smack of one who needs help. Take your prozac, go to sleep and wake up in the morning BANNED.

You are well on the way to that little place in the world.

By the way.. Calling the sarge and his buds queer in your little potty mouth PMs is about as childish as one can be.

The only success you have found is being a total loser.
Mad? You got us mad? No no dear boy, you got us interested. Interested. Why would anyone be mad at someone for being an idiot? It's not their problem. I can't believe you're still here making friends. You're a funny guy. Yes you are.
For the record I wasn't one of the guys you insulted on that other thread and posted only after you insulted guys that aren't mean to me. I considered posting up my credentials regarding my success in life but could not figure out why I should defend myself to someone of your obvious... ah.... refinement. It was a good decision.

I apologize to my fellow laborers, paint chippers, ditch diggers and beginners of the world. Having been these things at different times in my youth it seems I may have degraded you all unjustly. In my defense though, these are the jobs the beginners get to do along with similar occupations in other fields and still works well as an analogy.

I have to work now... SO STOP CALLING ME.

SamClemmons said:
Mad? You got us mad? No no dear boy, you got us interested. Interested. Why would anyone be mad at someone for being an idiot? It's not their problem. I can't believe you're still here making friends. You're a funny guy. Yes you are.
For the record I wasn't one of the guys you insulted on that other thread and posted only after you insulted guys that aren't mean to me. I considered posting up my credentials regarding my success in life but could not figure out why I should defend myself to someone of your obvious... ah.... refinement. It was a good decision.

I apologize to my fellow laborers, paint chippers, ditch diggers and beginners of the world. Having been these things at different times in my youth it seems I may have degraded you all unjustly. In my defense though, these are the jobs the beginners get to do along with similar occupations in other fields and still works well as an analogy.

I have to work now... SO STOP CALLING ME.


Sam..you gotta say it....Please bring on THE FORK.
He must log out to read these posts and then logs in to comment. Coward!!
ggiese said:
...and Neal and Harris are not gonna be too happy you calling them "midbies"... :p

Anyone with a 3 digit member number is a midbie..... four digits gets you newbie status... :) See, it's something you never grow out of until there becomes a pre-determined number of 5 digit member numbers. :sign:
Matt R said:
ggiese said:
...and Neal and Harris are not gonna be too happy you calling them "midbies"...  :p

Anyone with a 3 digit member number is a midbie..... four digits gets you newbie status... :) See, it's something you never grow out of until there becomes a pre-determined number of 5 digit member numbers. :sign:

You exclusive beeyotch!

TonyDogs asked me for my phone number VIA pm. I gave it to him. I bet he won't call