You old bastards barely put a dent in my armor the last time, so I'll proudly run with the noobs again! PM coming boys.
You old bastards barely put a dent in my armor the last time, so I'll proudly run with the noobs again! PM coming boys.
I figured you'd be sitting at the adult table this go around Justin.
You old bastards barely put a dent in my armor the last time, so I'll proudly run with the noobs again! PM coming boys.
I figured you'd be sitting at the adult table this go around Justin.
I figured you'd be sitting at the adult table = please be gentle and use lube
kitty's gonna be in your mailbox very afraid
I am fully willing to sell my allegiances to whichever side promises me HTF's. I'm a very resourceful bastard and can promise utter annihilation.
PM's required.
Edit: Yes, I am soldier of fortune/mercenary. Questionable morality/ethics? You betcha.
We all you're a newb Jeff, send the post whore a PM. :laugh:
We all you're a newb Jeff, send the post whore a PM. :laugh:
Ever seen The Mist?
Ya... I'm not siding with the crazy post whore.
F. That.
I know you're not talking about the FOG's......they probably have more potency in their Otterboxes than you noobs have in your entire collection!All I have to say is "You don't bring a knife to a gun fight!!" :whistling: :laugh:
Sounds like war is getting ready to be declared....where's Preembargo!
The original post.
We have delivery, all 36 lbs, 7 ozs of Fat Boy has landed, the gauntlet has been thrown
The fate of nations rides on the result.