So... we are starting to send "Dirty Bombs" are we?!?!? Well fellas I work for a Military/Aerospace fastener supplier. If you don't know what that means, we supply NASA and the Armed Forces (All of them) with the stuff that holds planes, tanks, and rockets together. If this gets ugly I will be forced to do something drastic......
just starting? Good grief, I'm suprised it too this long! Last wars got kinda ugly quick! But then it's just showing your sides' "Newbieness" by lack of search and reading skills

:laugh: :whistling:
And don't worry... I dumbed this down a little from what I told John I was gonna do... didn't wanna get anyone pissed (as I remembered how I was getting with that #$%^& safe he sent
And tools man... it's all in the tools you have access to.