Smoky... You're a truly standup guy who's done quite a lot to make this community a great place! I don't think you owe an apology to anyone for starting a contest based on a negative. I completely understand why you apologized to the board, however, I very respectfully disagree. I do agree that Defetis should not characterize himself as an 'idiot.' Showing compasion for others who make human errors, mistakes, is truly looking out for your brother and showing a high degree of self-respect. It's a far cry from making mistakes and revealing one's character. What Joel has shown is a very immature and distasteful quirk in his own character, or lack of it, which he may grow out of in time or he may not. This entire tiresome situation(s) will, I'm sure, serve as a great example (on the positive side) to how one should endeavor to act and/or not act. Making good on debts, speaking kindly of others, looking for guidance from FOGS when unsure about a situation (which would include bouncing a potential post off of a FOG before hitting the 'add reply' button) are just a few of the lessons that certainly could be learned here.
I appreciate the guys on this board, the good and the bad. The virtual world isn't much different than the real world. There's good and bad. I look for the good whenever I can and seeing the bad makes it all that more easier for me to recognize the
truly good.
Now for my contest... the word that best decribes a BOTL! There were some great words. Cory's,
Lodestar, was excellent and the early-English reference was intriguing.
Friend was another great choice, thanks for that Sam (but seriously... you win way too many contests

). The word I like the best is simply
Brother. Tom and Doug both win! 5er's heading to you guys (PM me your addy). Congrats, Brothers! :thumbs: