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New Contest

I got a contest for the people that really want one. A fiver for the best word that describes for our pal Joel! NO PROFANITY! Something that truly describes the wonderful person that has contributed so much to our community. I want a word and a clear definition of the word as it pertains to our good buddy! Super premium fiver to the winner. I will run this until Thursday morning 6:30 am Central!
Travishamockery (n)

-One or all of the following: travisty, sham, mockery

edit: Nice contest!
I got a contest for the people that really want one. A fiver for the best word that describes for our pal Joel! NO PROFANITY! Something that truly describes the wonderful person that has contributed so much to our community. I want a word and a clear definition of the word as it pertains to our good buddy! Super premium fiver to the winner. I will run this until Thursday morning 6:30 am Central!

I have the winner as the first reply!


Defeces, according to Webster.......dregs: (I should stop right there)..........bodily waste discharged through the anus : EXCREMENT

Edited to curse Smelly for typing faster than me!.........................
Thanks for the contest.

Let's go with...

Schlemiel - n. Slang
A habitual bungler; a dolt.
Looks like you're trying, lad. However, step away from the contests. It looks like you're trying to buy your way in. Read, post occasionally. Ask questions when you have one.

Yes, he is trying. In time he will do fine. Thanks for your guidance NullSmurf, and for your patience. :thumbs:

With all due respect, Saxx... you've been here for just over 3 months and I don't think you're at all qualified to throw out the word "time" into your post. Your enthusiasm is fantastic, don't get me wrong here, but this was one of those instances when clicking the 'add reply' button wasn't such a great idea. ;) :thumbs:

I got a contest for the people that really want one. A fiver for the best word that describes for our pal Joel! NO PROFANITY! Something that truly describes the wonderful person that has contributed so much to our community. I want a word and a clear definition of the word as it pertains to our good buddy! Super premium fiver to the winner. I will run this until Thursday morning 6:30 am Central!

As far as Brad's very generous contest, I've got a few nouns:

Function: noun
1 a person who lacks good sense or judgment <only a jackass would dive into a lake without checking to see how deep the water is>
2 a stupid person <you don't have to act like a jackass just to get a girl to notice you>

Function: noun
a stupid person <only an ignoramus would be incapable of learning to tie their own shoes>

Function: noun
1 a person who lacks good sense or judgment <his silly antics have earned him a reputation as a simpleton>
2 a stupid person <she felt like such a simpleton for missing the easy questions on the quiz>

Function: noun
a mean, evil, or unprincipled person <halt, vile miscreant, and face justice!>

There's a start...

And I'll throw out a side contest to the person who gives the best word to describe a true BOTL. The winner will get a premium 5er.
über moron

One of many possible fun uses of the über prefix. An über moron represents the pinnacle of pea-brain, the apex of asshole and the depth of dipshit. An über moron embodies the highest (or is that the lowest) level of stupid, home-grown, industrial strentgh, heavy duty idiocy.

For Chris - the best word for a true BOTL:


German term for "Overman" or "Superman." Hence, in the philosophy of Nietzsche, an extraordinary individual who transcends the limits of traditional morality to live purely by the will to power.
Looks like you're trying, lad. However, step away from the contests. It looks like you're trying to buy your way in. Read, post occasionally. Ask questions when you have one.

Yes, he is trying. In time he will do fine. Thanks for your guidance NullSmurf, and for your patience. :thumbs:

With all due respect, Saxx... you've been here for just over 3 months and I don't think you're at all qualified to throw out the word "time" into your post. Your enthusiasm is fantastic, don't get me wrong here, but this was one of those instances when clicking the 'add reply' button wasn't such a great idea. ;) :thumbs:

I got a contest for the people that really want one. A fiver for the best word that describes for our pal Joel! NO PROFANITY! Something that truly describes the wonderful person that has contributed so much to our community. I want a word and a clear definition of the word as it pertains to our good buddy! Super premium fiver to the winner. I will run this until Thursday morning 6:30 am Central!

As far as Brad's very generous contest, I've got a few nouns:

Function: noun
1 a person who lacks good sense or judgment <only a jackass would dive into a lake without checking to see how deep the water is>
2 a stupid person <you don't have to act like a jackass just to get a girl to notice you>

Function: noun
a stupid person <only an ignoramus would be incapable of learning to tie their own shoes>

Function: noun
1 a person who lacks good sense or judgment <his silly antics have earned him a reputation as a simpleton>
2 a stupid person <she felt like such a simpleton for missing the easy questions on the quiz>

Function: noun
a mean, evil, or unprincipled person <halt, vile miscreant, and face justice!>

There's a start...

And I'll throw out a side contest to the person who gives the best word to describe a true BOTL. The winner will get a premium 5er.

For Chris's contest...
–adjective 1. generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness: to be magnanimous toward one's enemies.
2. high-minded; noble: a just and magnanimous ruler.
3. proceeding from or revealing generosity or nobility of mind, character, etc.: a magnanimous gesture of forgiveness


edit for: the third definition was what I found most represents a BOTL
This one's for Chris. Thanks for the contests again guys.

fra·ter·nal (adj.)

1. of or befitting a brother or brothers; brotherly.
2. of or being a society of men associated in brotherly union, as for mutual aid or benefit: a fraternal order; a fraternal association.
With all due respect, Saxx... you've been here for just over 3 months and I don't think you're at all qualified to throw out the word "time" into your post. Your enthusiasm is fantastic, don't get me wrong here, but this was one of those instances when clicking the 'add reply' button wasn't such a great idea. wink.gif thumbs-up.gif

Not really sure how anyone's time here qualifies or dis-qualifies their use of a word, especially when it is in support of another brother, albeit a questionable brother.

As for the contest to describe a BOTL in one word.......that will take some thought!
With all due respect, Saxx... you've been here for just over 3 months and I don't think you're at all qualified to throw out the word "time" into your post. Your enthusiasm is fantastic, don't get me wrong here, but this was one of those instances when clicking the 'add reply' button wasn't such a great idea. wink.gif thumbs-up.gif

Not really sure how anyone's time here qualifies or dis-qualifies their use of a word, especially when it is in support of another brother, albeit a questionable brother.

As for the contest to describe a BOTL in one word.......that will take some thought!

You may want to ask him in a PM.
Contest entries

Defetis: Your tool is your handle.

Smokyballs: absurd

Definition: utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue; contrary to all reason or common sense; laughably foolish or false: an absurd explanation.
2.the quality or condition of existing in a meaningless and irrational world.

Synonyms: cool, crazy, daffy, dippy*, dizzy, flaky*, fool, fool around, foolish, for grins*, freaked out, freaky, gagged up*, goofy*, idiotic, illogical, inane, incongruous, irrational nonsensical, jokey, joshing, kooky, laughable, loony, ludicrous, monkey, nutty, preposterous, sappy*, screwy*, senseless, shtick, silly, stupid, tomfool, unreasonable, wacky

Seadub: Beneficent

Definition: doing good or causing good to be done; conferring benefits; kindly in action or purpose.
Synonyms: all heart, altruistic, beneficent, benign, big, big-hearted, bleeding heart, bounteous, bountiful, caring, chivalrous, compassionate, considerate, do-good, generous, helpful, humane, humanitarian, kind-hearted, liberal, magnanimous, philanthropic, tender-hearted, warm-hearted, well-disposed
This thread has some exciting reading...

My nominations are:

For Brad's contest:
punditeer (pun.duh.TEER) n. A young and inexperienced critic or commentator.
sheeple (SHEE.pul) n. People who are meek, easily persuaded, and tend to follow the crowd (sheep + people).
bowling alone (BOH.ling uh.lohn) metaphor. Not participating in the social life of a community.
—bowling-alone adj.

For Chris's contest:
Fumelder - Compound of Fume and Elder. Vapor, gas, or smoke + An older, influential member of a family, tribe, or community.

wow... glad i checked back. it's been a good laugh.

anyways, no contest entries from me. this one is not my style.
OBLIVIOUS He is completely immature, self-centered, and ignorant, and he has absolutely NO CLUE as to what he did wrong, not even sure he is completely aware that he has a shitty reputation on this board! He is completely "oblivious" as to his status here and continues to conduct himself as the center of the world. The fact that he came into your store so many times and refused to introduce himself to anyone there, despite knowing that you guys knew who he was from the posts on this board means he is COMPLETELY oblivious to reality. I can't think of any other word (real or made up) that describes this idiot better!

if this guy has that many members upset, is there a way to petition to have him removed? i'm not saying he deserves that; i don't know him, or his past, and don't plan on searching.
I got a contest for the people that really want one. A fiver for the best word that describes for our pal Joel! NO PROFANITY! Something that truly describes the wonderful person that has contributed so much to our community.

done /dʌn/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[duhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 4. completed; finished; through:

Usage note 4. In the adjectival sense “completed, finished, through,” done dates from the 14th century and is entirely standard.
OBLIVIOUS He is completely immature, self-centered, and ignorant, and he has absolutely NO CLUE as to what he did wrong, not even sure he is completely aware that he has a shitty reputation on this board! He is completely "oblivious" as to his status here and continues to conduct himself as the center of the world. The fact that he came into your store so many times and refused to introduce himself to anyone there, despite knowing that you guys knew who he was from the posts on this board means he is COMPLETELY oblivious to reality. I can't think of any other word (real or made up) that describes this idiot better!


That picture is freakin hilarious!