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never forget!...

Never Forget!

I have to go into the city tomorrow to set up our booth for the HBA show and I have a bit of apprehension.
One of the saddest days of my life. And one of my proudest to be an American. In my lifetime, we'd never been better (and haven't since) than that day and the days that followed it.
I will never forget as I saw the second plane hit the south tower. A few months later I was involved in Enduring Freedom and then in 2004 Iraqi Freedom.
It's disgusting to see the conspiracy nuts talk about 9/11 on the message boards. Moki that link you posted makes me want to find the guy that did "Loose Change" and kick him right in the balls a few times until he gets the message.
Still shocking every time i see the footage, i will never forget.
My sister was in DC on 9/11. She was at Reagan International when the Pentagon was hit. She was at the counter buying her ticket to come home when the lady said “hmm, that flight’s just been canceled. Let’s get you on another flight. Hmm, that one’s just been cancelled, too”. Then a look of panic came across her face and she just started running. Not a word to my sister or anyone else, she just ran. Then my sister saw that everyone was running, she grabbed one of the airline employees as she was running past and asked her what was happening. The woman told her that “a plane has just crashed into the Pentagon across the river and it may be an attack. The airport is closed and we may be a target. You need to get out now!”

My sister was able to get on the Metro but it was still too early to know what was really happening. None of the other metro passenger’s cell phones were working but hers. She called home to tell us that something was happening but she didn’t know what exactly. My mother told her about the Towers and kept her filled in on everything else that was happening and she became the only source of information for the other passengers. She took what are probably the first pictures of the Pentagon after the attack. In the first picture there’s just a wisp of smoke and then it builds into what we’ve all seen in the news footage.

Not only will I never forget, I thank all who put their lives and security on the line in the service of others.
BkCloud114, ggiese, Swissy, I know there are many more CP members who serve or have served. To each of you and to all of your brothers and sisters who serve with you, thank you.

God Blessed America when He Blessed us with you!!
There will never be a shortage of folks with their panties a bit too tight, scanning the horizon for black helicopters.

I'd like to take the opportunity to thank the men and women now serving around the world to preserve the investment of the thousands who served before them. Thanks also to the emergency services workers who serve. If given the choice of whether to do it over, would most likely go back into the towers.
i'll add my son to the list of those who serve....PO in the 32nd precinct in NYC....135th and lenox..i pray for his safety (and all other LE) every night..
Today I climbed 117 stories in memory of the FDNY firefighters. Though I think no amount of climbing could understand their pain. :(
GOD BLESS ALL on this day who have paid the price for our freedom at home and abroud! Military, FDNY and NYPD!
I for one do not ever wish to forget this day. I pray that one day my children can be as proud of his country men and country as I am.
Stand proud and strong.
I was in the city today on business (midtown) and it was eerily quiet. No traffic in midtown during the morning or afternoon rush. Saw lots of supporters dressed in red white and blue waving flags all along the west side highway. It felt good!