Just saw this, sorry to hear. How was your christmas? Hopefully you surrounded yourself with family and good loyal friends.
As a recently divorced fellow, I'm going to give you some things to think about that I carried with me into my recent divorce that helped a lot:
-When the marriage vs. divorce talk passes a certain point, and it sounds like yours has, wise up and realize what is happening. Don't get caught up in holding hope into something that won't come to be. She, you, or both of you will get emotional, and in that irrational state, nullify and forget certain things that were said and want that previous state of relationship you've both come to be familiar with. You're gonna want to call her, you're gonna want that security blanket. Don't do it, don't make a fool of yourself, and don't throw your pearls before swine. It's not a matter of pride, it's a matter of being smart. Don't play with her heart just because you need that familiarity, and don't let yourself get used to false hope for an evening simply because she's having a hard time adjusting to life alone.
-Don't get caught up in condemnation. You're gonna lose friends, it's the way it goes. People you thought were loyal to you will show their true colors and condemn you. Dont dwell on it for long, because in the end they weren't your true friends anyways. Conversely, you're going to hear a lot of people tell you a lot of things about her that nobody told you while you were together out of respect for you. Consider your source when this turns up, and be thankful for any helpful insight you receive.
-Don't involve everyone in every aspect of your messy divorce. Keep your discussions regarding hard issues with a select group of close confidants, because you don't want to get caught up in spreading information about your significant other to the whole community. She doesn't deserve it, and you are better than that. She may have already stooped to that, but it doesn't mean you need to. With this in mind, consider "character assessments" in court when child support or spousal support comes into play. Nobody ever won a popularity contest with a judge because they went around spreading gossip and painful rumors.
-Don't lose yourself. Take this time to get reacquainted with who you are. Your life has changed dramatically, use this time to reasses your goals and life path. You're now thinking for one, not for two anymore. Follow up on anything you felt you missed the boat on, or sacrificed for your significant other during your marriage.
-Take time to mourn your dead relationship, but do not let it dictate your upcoming relationship. It's easy to get caught up in the hurt your ex caused, but don't assimilate that with your next girlfriend. It isn't worth the time and energy, and it only prolongs the healing process.
-Don't meet with her alone, and record your conversations. Don't unnecessarily contact her in an uncontrolled environment, and utilize a trusted reliable third party as a witness. I'm not telling you to be paranoid, but "his vs. her word" conversations hold no water in court. Keep that in mind.
All in all, best of luck. Start getting whatever paperwork filled out now while you're still in survival mode, it will take a LONG time to go through the civil court systems. Best of luck David.